    关键词: 热处理;高碳钢;尺寸变化;密度变化;二次称重法;毕业论文
    Phase Structure and Density Change of High-carbon Steel with Different Heat Treatment
    Abstract:Heat treatment is the nature of the phase transition,and general methods to analyze phase transition in heat treatment are XRD analysis, thermal expansion analysis, metallographic analysis, hardness analysis, magnetic analysis, and so on. But each method has its own focus, and XRD analysis and thermal expansion analysis require large, expensive equipments, the operation is complicated. There is dimensional change in heat treating process of High carbon steel, so this paper dedicated a new, simple method that is a secondary weighing method which analyses different density and dimensional change of high-carbon steel with different heat treatment to analyze the phase transition. For the high-carbon steel with Mass fraction of 1%, theoretically, phase transition during martensite changing into ferrite will cause volume change of 3%, dimensional change of 1%, and now, electronic balance with the accuracy of 1mg can measure slight change of 0.1%. by the secondary weighing method, this paper analyzed density of GCr15, 9Cr18Mo, T9 three kinds of high carbon steel with different heat treatment, it concluded that transformation of martensite changing into ferrite in high carbon sample caused density increasing, volumetric shrinkage, size reducing. In order to rule out other phase (austenite, carbides) interference, this paper did XRD qualitative analysis on 9Cr18Mo and GCr15, and found a sample only containing martensite to do thermal expansion experiments. It analyzed dimensional changes during transformation of martensitic changing into ferrite, and the result was compared with that by the secondary weighing method, it verified accuracy of the secondary weighing method analyzing the dimensional changes during transformation of martensite changing into ferrite in high-carbon steel.
    Key Words: Heat treatment;High-carbon steel;Dimensional change;Density change;Secondary weighing method
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    钢铁材料    1
    1.2    高碳钢发展概况    2
    1.3    高碳钢的热处理技术    3
    1.3.1    奥氏体化    3
    1.3.2    退火和正火    4
    1.3.3    淬火与回火    5
    1.4    高碳钢热处理相变分析    7
    1.4.1    高碳钢热处理相变分析手段    7
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