    摘要:本设计说明书按照设计任务书的要求,对年产 200万块玻化砖生产车间工艺进行设计。玻化砖是由通用砖坯体的体表通过磨削等工艺制成的一种砖,由泥沙、 石英砂、按比例烧制而成,属于高品质建筑装饰材料。 由于具有强度、耐磨、耐腐蚀性能较高。其质地坚硬、绚丽多彩,兼备大理石、天然花岗岩、彩釉砖装饰的效果。随着房地产的大力发展,玻化砖现已发展成为居室装饰的主流产品,拥有广阔的市场,尤其是高端产品,具有很好的发展前景。首先根据玻化砖的化学组成以及原料的性质和作用进行了原料选择,计算出原料的配比,玻化砖的原料主要有膨润土、滑石、长石、黏土、石英、氧化铁以及碳酸钙等。定制了生产工艺的各项指标,进行了物料衡算,确定了各工序的产量,为后面的设备选型打下基础。确定玻化砖生产所需的工艺设备主要包括鄂式破碎机、球磨机、喷雾干燥塔、压机、注浆成型机、烧成窑炉等主要设备,以及泥浆池、搅拌机、振动筛等辅助设备等,文中阐述了设计中需要考虑的因素和考虑的原因以及设计所依据的原则,并根据公式进行了设备数量的计算。最后对主要生产车间工艺布置和厂房进行了粗略设计,从工艺技术上、原料存储、生产设备和厂房的合理布局上保证设计的车间能够稳定的保证正常生产的需要,达到产品在数量和质量上的要求,并绘制了全厂平面布置图和工艺流程图。  56818
    The Process Design of Annual Output of Two Million Pieces of Vitrified Tiles Abstract:  The  annual output of  two  million pieces of glass brick production workshop is designed in this design specification in accordance with the requirements of the design task. Tiles is by general brick body surface by grinding process is made of a brick, by sediment, quartz sand, according to the proportion of firing, belonging to the quality of building decorative material. Because of its high strength, wear resistance and high corrosion resistance. Its hard texture, bright and colorful, with natural granite, marble, glazed brick  have  decoration effect. With the rapid development of real estate, vitrified brick has developed become the mainstream products in the decoration of the rooms, has a broad market, especially high-end products, has good prospects for development. First according to the tiles of the chemical composition and raw material properties and effect of raw material selection, calculate the raw material ratio, tiles of the main raw material, bentonite, talc, feldspar, clay, quartz, iron oxide and calcium carbonate. Customized production process of the indicators, the material balance, determine the production of each process, to lay the foundation for the following equipment selection. Determine the vitrified tile production process equipment mainly includes jaw crusher, mill spray drying tower, compressor, injection molding machine, burning kiln and other major equipment, and mud pools, agitator, vibrating screen, auxiliary equipment, in this paper describes the factors need to be considered in the design and consider the reason and design on the basis of the principle, and according to the  formula of calculation of the number of devices. Finally the main production workshop layout and plant were rough design, design workshop to stable guarantee normal production needs from the technology, raw material storage, production equipment and plant  layout is reasonable to ensure, reach the requirement on the quantity and quality of products, and the mapping of the whole plant layout diagram and process flow diagram. 
    Keywords:  vitrified tiles,  process  design, equipment calculation, material balance, ingredients 


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