
    3 蚂蚁花呗的还款期限

    (其根据您确认收货的时间起确定下月1-10号内进行还款,最长期限为41天) 1   2   3   4   5



       A 蚂蚁花呗(跳转题甲)   B 信用卡(跳转题乙)


       A 开通门槛低       B 极速支付,方便快捷      C 逾期下还款利息更低

       D提升芝麻信用分   E没有手续费、管理费、年费等   F 其他 _________


       A 使用领域更广    B 额度更大    C 功能更强大

       D 经常使用,已经习惯            E 其他 ________




    8。2 调查问卷(英文版)

    A。Personal information

    1。 Your gender

        A male  B female

    2。 What is your age?

        A under 18   B 19~25   C 26~35   D 36~50  E over 50

    3。 What is your degree?

    A Junior Middle School      B High School          C University Undergraduate / College 

    D Master 's Degree         E Ph。D

    4。 What is your occupation?

        A student                B company staff        C Freelancer or businessman

      D government or institutions staff              E unemployed 

    5。 How about your monthly income?

        A 200 pound and below           B 201~ 400 pound           C 401 ~600 pound

    D 601~ 800 pound              E more than 800 pound

    B。About internet personal consumption credit。 (if you never use internet personal consumption credit, please redirect to part C。)

    1。When were you begin using internet personal consumption credit。

       ____ (M)____(Y)

    2。What is your internet personal consumption credit loan amount?

    A 100~300 pound   B 301~600pound   C 601~1000pound   D more than 1000pound

    3。How much are you spend on the Internet each month before using internet personal consumption credit?   

    A less than 100 pound    B 101~300 pound    C 301~600 pound    D more than 600 pound

    4。What happen to your spending online after using internet personal consumption credit?   

    A spend more money    B spend less money    C no influence   D spend much more money!

    5。How many times you use internet personal consumption credit a month?

       A four or more times   B。1~3 times   C sever months use a time

    6。Satisfaction evaluation: Please according to the actual feeling choose number by "√", the number represents : 1 - very unsatisfied,  2 - unsatisfied,  3 - general,  4 - satisfied, 5 - very satisfied

    (1) internet personal consumption credit loan amount。             1   2   3   4   5

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