
    (2) the way for internet personal consumption credit repayment       1   2   3   4   5

    (3) the time limitation for repayment。                            1   2   3   4   5

    7。Comparing with additional credit card ,which one is better?   

      A internet personal consumption credit   B additional credit card

    If you choose A, please tell me why?   (you can choose more than one option)

        A easy to apply  B payment is quick        C lower interest rates

          D no management fees                  F other _________

    If you choose B, please tell me why?   (you can choose more than one option)   

    A wider use field      B you can borrow more money       

    C has became a habit  D other ________ 

    8。 Do you have any opinion for internet personal consumption credit?

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  2. 下一篇:移动支付条件下旅游消费行为情况调查问卷表
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