高通量SSR分析系统,产地品牌:美国AATI,型号Fragment Analyzer 96。可以用于分析任意种类的dsDNA片段,包括普通PCR产物,多重PCR产物以及限制性酶切产物,微卫星序列SSR等。该系统分离片段具有以下优势:分辨率更高(分辨率高达2bp);精确度更高(片段长度分析误差≤5%);分析通量高,可一次分析高达288个样品;分析时间减少,PCR产物可直接上样,无需进行预处理。ssr是什么意思
摘要: <正>微卫星DNA 是一种简单重复序列(Simple Sequence Repeat,简称SSR) ,其核心单位由2~4 个核苷酸组成,两侧一般是保守序列。由于SSR 具有共显性,多态性高,可进行PCR 扩增分析,因此是一种很有价值的分子标记。微卫星在林木基因组中广泛存在,其核心单位主要是(AG)n ,(AC)n 。现已在许多林木中发现有微卫星,如:松树、杨树、桉树、苹果树。林木的微卫星标记可扩充现有的RFLP、RAPD、AFLP 遗传图谱,以及QTL 分析,并应用于基因型鉴别,分子标记辅助选择育种。ssr是什么意思
Abstract: Microsatellites are simple,tandemly repeated di to penta nucleotide sequence motifs flanked by inique sequence。They are valuable as genetic markers because they are co dominant,detect high levels of allelic persity and are easily and economically assayed by PCR。Experiments reveal that microsatellites are distributed throughout the forestry genome。The most abundant microsatellite motifs reported in forestry are (AG) n and (AC) n。The occurrence of unclear microsatellites has been reported in several forest tree species such as pine,poplar,eucalyptus,and apple。SSR can be expected to complement existing RFLP,RAPD,AFLP maps, and are useful for genotype identification。gene and QTL analysis,marker assisted selection in breeding and pedigree analysis。