
    No external suction was used to capture the particles as that
    would affect the local flow.
    2.3.4. GasLiquid Dispersion. To study the performance of
    the FI for dispersion of gas into liquid, experiments were carried
    out by sparging compressed air in the stirred tank using a ring
    sparger located at the bottom of the reactor. The sparger had 16
    holes of 1 mm diameter spaced at equal distance. The superficial
    gas velocity was monitored and controlled using precalibrated
    rotameter. The power consumption during the stirring at differ-
    ent impeller rotation speeds and over a range of superficial
    velocities was measured as mentioned before. The fractional gas
    hold-up was estimated from the difference in the height of
    dispersed liquid and clear liquid. The bubble size was estimated
    from the images obtained from a high speed camera (Red lake).
    The observations from these experiments are discussed in
    section 3.4.
    3.1. Power Consumption. The actual power consumption
    (P) by the impeller was estimated using the measured torque
    data (τ) at different impeller rotation speeds as P =2πτN, where
    N is the impeller rotation speed (per second). Subsequently
    the volumetric power draw (P/V) and the power consumption
    per unit mass PW (W/kg) were calculated. The impeller power
    number NP was estimated as NP = P/(FLN3
    ), where FL is the
    bulk fluid density (estimated by taking into account the dispersed
    phase properties). Typical variation in PW with increasing
    impeller Reynolds number (Re= ND2
    F/μ) showed power law
    relations (Figure 2A). Since the energy dissipation per unit mass
    or the energy draw scales as N3
    in the turbulent regime, the
    plot of PW vs N3
    showed positive relationship for all the three
    impellers. Interestingly, while the linear relation exists for the DT
    and PBTD in the turbulent regime, for the FI, a linear variation
    was noticed for the entire range of impeller rotation. While the
    values of the intercept for the linear straight line for DT and
    PBTD were very close (Figure 2B), the slope of the relation for
    DT was higher than that for PBTD. For the FI, the intercept as
    well as the slope were very small as compared to the other two
    impellers. This indicates that the overall energy draw with the FI
    is much lesser than that for the other two impellers. In other
    words, at identical Re, PW for the FI is lower than the conven-
    tional impellers. Typical plot of power versus speed (not shown
    here) also shows a change in the slope. The plots showed an early
    transition for the FI than the conventional impellers. However,
    with the varying distance of blades and branches, it may need
    some other way to define the Re to characterize the conventional
    laminar and turbulent regimes. For the present calculations, we
    have used the actual lateral distance between the farthest blades
    as the impeller diameter (D). On estimating the power number
    for these cases (Figure 2C), the NP value for a single DT
    independent of Re was 6.014 (which is close to the value known
    for standard DT: 6), while for the PBTD of the same dimensions
    and standard geometry, NP independent of Re was 1.84. How-
    ever, for identical rotation speed of the FI, the Re was much
    higher due to larger diameter, and the value ofNP independent of
    Re was 0.38, which ismuch lower than the NP for DT and PBTD.
    Thus, beyond the critical Re, PW,FI is lower by many times that of
    the conventional impellers. One of the reasons for such lower
    power consumption is the lack of significant energy dissipation
    gradients in the tank as they exist for the conventional impellers
    and where the energy dissipation occurs due to the cascading
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