
    particles at different solid concentrations for PBTD and for FI are
    exactly opposite. The values of PW for PBTD were estimated from
    the values of Re, D reported in Sardeshpande et al.
    and NP for
    PBTD in turbulent region. These observations indicate that this
    novel impeller design is useful in efficiently suspending particles at
    higher solid loadings, which is not very easy with the conventional
    impellers. Importantly, the solid concentration for glass particles
    along the height (measured in similar manner as for low density
    particles) (not shown here) when the dimensionless cloud height is
    1 was very much uniform with a standard deviation of 6%.diameter that can inhibit the secondary flow. Also, since gen-
    erating a relatively larger radial component of the mean velocity
    results into large energy dissipation at the wall and thus lowers
    the mixing efficiency, it is always preferred to avoid such a
    situation. Further, a larger impeller diameter demands higher
    torque and hence higher capital cost. Hence, the selection should
    be made on the basis of capital and operating costs. While these
    observations are valid for the conventional impellers, it does not
    necessarily apply for the FI. Hence experiments were carried out
    to understand the characteristic mixing time for a FI.
    The mixing time was measured as described in the section 2.
    The conductivity signal was smoothened to eliminate the
    spurious effects due to data acquisition noise, and the smooth-
    ened signal was analyzed tomeasure themixing time. Themixing
    time at identical N for PBTD was 2 to 3.5 times higher than the
    FI. This particular situation can again be explained on the basis of
    the existence of fractal structure which develops self-similar flow
    structures in the entire vessel and hence a uniform randomness.
    As a result, the tracer gets continuously distributed in several
    mixing zones existing in the reactor due to the fractal structure of
    the impeller, and it helps achieve better mixing. However a
    comparison of the θmix variation as a function of the PW shows
    that both impellers have similar performance (Figure 6). Experi-
    ments were also carried out to measure the mixing of a tracer
    liquid in the bulk viscous liquid (50% glycerol solution). In this
    case, the mixing time was 40% higher than that of water, and this
    observation was consistent over the entire range of impeller
    rotation speed for FI.Mixing time was alsomeasured for different
    solid loadings for the suspensions and the dimensionless mixing
    time showed a positive dependence on the solid loading. This
    observation is consistent with an increase in the solid loading; the
    bulk viscosity and density increase thereby leading to enhanced
    viscous forces, higher drag, and hence a longer mixing time.
    The fact that the presence of number of blades and mixing
    zones would create a uniform randomness was verified by taking
    the fast Fourier transforms of the acquired time series of the
    torque data. The resulting power spectra for one such experiment
    with N = 100 rpm is shown in Figure 7. It can be clearly seen thatunlike the literature information on variety of conventional
    impellers, where the impeller rotation frequency, blade passage
    frequency are prominently seen in the power spectra, in the case
    of a FI no specific dominance was seen. The power distribution
    over a range of frequencies showed similar features and thus
    support the notion that with the help of such a self-similar
    structure for mixing of fluids, one can attain a uniform random-
    ness in the flow at different scales, and no specific instabilities
    (associated with certain frequency)
    exist that are usually
    considered to promote spatial mixing. Thus, the scaling effects
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