
    At present, China's paper industry presents four characteristics.
    1.Limited Resources
    Paper requiring a great deal of wood (from a global perspective, the consumption of wood and paper account for about 12% of total consumption of wood), water (domestic paper companies average water consumption is about 100 tons / cubic meter, foreign paper plant about 10-20 tonnes / cubic meter), electricity (only 100,000 tons pulp mill would need 1.5-2 Wan KW of installed capacity) and a variety of chemical products. China's paper enterprise technology level is relatively backward, huge water and electricity consumption for the production of the trees, water, electricity and other resources, high dependence compel its production capacity is limited by resource constraints and supply of raw materials, availability of resources utilization and raw material price risk has become one of the main business risk.
    2. Capital-intensive properties
    Paper mill construction project requiring a lot of money. To calculate the new 100,000 tons mill, paper mill building needs about 15 billion yuan of funds, fixed assets investment plus driven by pulp mill and woodlands, with a total investment of at least 2.65 billion yuan. The world's paper industry output value of one hundred US dollars per occupied assets of $ 154, and the petrochemical industry considerably. Such a high capital investment, making the return on capital employed (ROCE) as an important indicator to judge the industry's operating conditions. Pricewaterhouse Coopers the "2000 Forest and Paper Industry Survey" that the industry minimum acceptable rate of return of 10-12% of capital (after tax), but in recent years the world's paper industry, the overall level is far behind in this standard.
    3. Environmental pollution characteristics
    Water pollution caused by the paper industry is much higher than other industries. Under the National Environmental Bulletin of Statistics data conversion, paper and paper products industry COD discharge accounted for 40.8% of the country's industrial COD emissions (2.033 million tons), ranking first in the industry COD emissions.
    4. Limited raw material resources, high dependence on foreign
    As the domestic raw material forest base construction is slow, limited for wood, non-wood pulp affected the development of new technologies to develop clean production lag, coupled with the impact of domestic factors such as the low recovery rate of waste paper, paper fiber raw materials self-sufficiency rate is difficult to improve supply and demand increasing paper and paper products imported products, pulp imports accounted for nearly 80% in 2011 Chinese pulp imports amounted to 14.45 million tons, up 27.10 percent growth rate. High dependence on foreign raw materials more than 40%.
           First of all, is to embark on a rapid and sustainable path of development and modernization of China's paper industry, the pulp and paper equipment in terms of quality and quantity has put forward higher requirements, in the intense market competition is always the driving force for industrial development.
           Secondly, as the equipment manufacturing industry, as a technology-intensive and labor-intensive double feature, consisting mainly of consumer goods following the labor-intensive manufacturing sector, according to World industrial restructuring and the transfer of the law, to have their comparative advantage and the advantage of the , which is China's pulp and paper equipment manufacturing industry faces a period of strategic opportunities.
    Thirdly, as the Health System Change variables play a decisive role. From the 1980s to the 1990s, mainly in the following two aspects of system changes for pulp and paper manufacturing equipment by leaps and bounds in the development of the removal of institutional barriers, and created a line with the rules of market economy in the context of globalization and enhance competitiveness The necessary conditions are fundamental conditions.
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