
    More often under different pulping processes, as well as producers of raw materials requested by the quality of different combinations, usually through multi-channel purification screening process. Projects for the production of paper midrange paper, using 70% of the waste paper plates and 30 per cent of the board size for raw materials, 30% of the pulp slurry tank and join the board of the paper plate broken into the follow-up process together.
    B, the paper manufacturing process.
         In the paper in a paper machine. Fumin Dragon Paper Co., Ltd. of Liaoning zaozhijixiean 2400 by a machine, the model for the four rotary screen, triplex-paper machine, paper machine from the network Ministry Press Department, the Department of drying, rolls and other components, has been serving for 10 years. Papermaking process will be qualified using slurry pump sent to the net flow of the slurry tank, rotary screen cage outside a certain level poor, slurry tank in the net rotation of the net cage on the surface gradually filtering, a continuous deposition of paper site, the aircraft has four net cages, wet paper net increase in the roll cage by a blanket Fu Jie from the grill, blankets and attached to the (water is the carrier of blankets, water media, and alleviate the pressure Sheet The pace of change on the surface of some pieces of paper finishing role), blankets and pieces of paper and then joined the Ministry of the Press, crushing rollers, squeezing wet paper rate was dehydrated, and then to the Department of drying in the drying of the steam indirect heating , paper, the rate of water evaporation and drying, the final rolls of dry paper in the plane rolled into paper tube, then trimming the two after finishing a product. Sheet after stripping blankets, two blankets for water, washing blankets on the small fibers, so small fiber blankets plug due to dehydration in efficiency blankets Press.
    Project process described as follows:
    (1) artificial separation
         Collection purchased by the public, industrial or commercial derived from the collection of waste paper plates, paper board with nails, wire, plastic film impurities, in the pulper manual prior to the initial separation, removal of impurities and quality less cardboard, cardboard improve quality and reduce the burden of follow-up.
    (2) hydraulic pulper
         After the initial separation of the paper plate and was sent hydraulic pulper machine broken solution, and further separation of heavy impurities. In the hydraulic pulper, fiber raw materials due to the mechanical strength and reduce wetting, in the process, the hydrogen bonds between the fiber fracture to pulper purpose. Hydraulic pulper under the central part of the noose device artificial separation process is not to try to remove the wire, packing bands, such as the imposition of the plastic. The broken hydraulic pulper board of the paper stored in the follow-up process into the slurry tank and slurry tank by adding 30% of the slurry.
    (3) shaker
         Ping also said vibrating screen for slurry screening. After hydraulic pulper after the pulp and 30% of the slurry into the aperture with 2.0 ~ 3.0 mm for the vibration sieve, sieve vibration can be larger in the pulp slurry of paper fiber debris removed, the paper removed debris Hydraulic Pump hit by the re-pulper machine again broken solution. After the screening of pulp slurry into the pool in abeyance.
    (4) desilting
         After the vibration sieve pulp concentration of about 1% from the pump into the desilting was in the role of gravity, the weight of inorganic impurities settlement down to the form of sludge from the system, access to fiber pulp slurry pond in abeyance.
    (5) fiber separator
         Fiber separator also said that ease of separation of the fibers also ideal ease, and the minimal damage to the fiber is to continue to dissociation from the hydro-pulper slurry new equipment. At the same time, it can separate the pulp from waste impurities and light weight impurities from good performance. Thus, as the waste paper fiber separator with multifunctional equipment widely used.
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