
         8. Culture Machine and paperboard machine
           Culture Machine typical products within the width 4500 mm, speed of 600 m / min, Cathay Pacific Taigelin Paper Group manufacturing plant design speed of 800 m / min culture machine has recently opened. Typical of cardboard products width 5500 mm, and design speed 700 m / min.
         In addition to the above, China's papermaking machinery manufacturing Recovery System also mastered the key equipment, environmental protection equipment and the introduction of a new variety of new technologies portfolio coating machine, Slitter, rewinder machine. However, in spite of China's pulp and paper equipment manufacturing industry has made great progress, but resources and the environment, is still bound by the development of China's paper industry "bottleneck." In order to efficient use of resources, especially water resources, ecological protection, reducing pollution, improving quality, research and development and the need to continue to meet the requirements of independent intellectual property rights with the new technology and equipment to meet the sustainable development of China's paper industry needs.
    Papermaking main process: 70% of the pulp and paper board renewable 30% slurry midrange corrugated board manufacturers, paper renewable Pulp and Paper Pulp and paper generally include two processes, the overall process principles are as follows:
    A, pulping process
    Pulping process generally include broken solution, purification, screening, ease four processes.
    (1) of the broken paper
         Cooking Section with the process, the paper is usually the first step in treatment is broken solutions, the aim was to carry out dissociation paper, and heavy impurities, the volume of impurities and fiber separation. Good solution broken equipment can be maintained maximum intensity of the original fiber and can be attached to the fiber of articles that effectively separated. ZDS5m3 projects using hydro-pulper broken solution to the cardboard, hydro-pulper the pulper role mainly from the mechanical role in the rotor and the rotor caused by the rotary hydraulic shear. Rotary rotor, rotor blades shattered and its strong contact with the waste materials; rotor sudden movement and the inertia of the different waste debris produce different acceleration, which have led to the friction of waste debris further decomposition. Hydraulic pulper entered in the wire rope and plastic plate, metal sheets, a long strip of cloth, and other impurities more light whirlpool in the center of slurry rotation, as a result of its section entangled, we can use the hydraulic whirlpool effect twistless into their rope. The removal of impurities such use is usually installed in the hydraulic pulper the noose around the plane to complete the installation. Other small volume of heavy impurities from the water from the bottom of pulper. After the initial solution broken into the rough pulp slurry pond.
    (2) purification and screening
         Purification and screening is to further remove the pulp in a small heavy solid contaminants and impurities debris, and further enhance the quality of the pulp. Purification process can be set to complete the desilting, mainly used in the pulp precipitation role will be of impurities (including gravel, Head, glass, etc.) separated. General from the selection process to complete various sieve is the use of impurities and fiber shape, size will be different from the principle of the pulp and fiber close relative density of impurities removal process and minimize the loss of the fiber. After the screening of impurities greater than fiber usually sent back to re-pulper broken solution. After screening and purification of the pulp process to the next one.
    (3) ease
         The purpose is to further ease the completion of the broken fiber follow-up to complete dissociation paper fibroblasts. Just use pulper to complete the full broken fiber solution is not appropriate, this may result in excessive damage to lower fiber and fiber strength, power consumption will make too big. Usually Deflaker pulp ease to complete the process, the ease of a common fiber separator, disk Refiner, high-frequency ease machines. Usually ease on the initial purification processes, and after the screening, in order to prevent some relief without impurities. Ease after the pulp is usually used to screen Cleaner and centrifugal further purification and screening, to remove impurities and excess slurry in water, so that the appropriate concentration of pulp, after all centrifugal slurry pond in abeyance screen.
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