
    PF is updated, based on the OBS level, by usingEq. (3) or (4).If the employee is at the lowest level in OBS, nobody giveshim reports:PF =n ∑1APFin× (1 − 0.005w), (3)where APFi is the work performance obtained from a specificwork and n is the number of total work performed so far, and wis the work experience of the employee in years. Other factorslike the salary and education of an employee could also impactPF; however, only work experience was considered due to itshigher importance.If there are lower positions in OBS, giving reports to him:PF =n ∑1APFin× (1 − 0.005w) +m ∑1PFjm2, (4) The feedbacks of themanagerswere then analyzed andmostof them applied to the system. A time extension, after fixingthe estimated resources, was added to the system, so that itwas possible to bargain and change the resources after worksubmission. The matrix OBS could not be considered in thesystem since it is considered a limitation. Material, manpowerand machinery were already considered to affect the cost, andtheir affects were included in the Cest and Cper. The recipient’sexisting workload consideration was also included, as shownin Figure 4. The modified PMSS was run again with the samemanagers, and they found it satisfactory and recommendable.5.2. Final system evaluationAfter final revision, the modified PMSS was practicallyinstalled in two construction companies in Iran at the end of2009. After almost one month of training and debugging thesystem, it was implemented in those companies. The authorsplanned for two different feedbacks including short-term andlong-term; the former from managers and the latter from bothmanagers and employees. Short-term feedback was attainedafter one month of practical implementation. The summary ofthe short-term feedback from managers of two constructioncompanies is as follows:5.2.1. Cost reductionOne of the main advantages of PMSS was stated to be costreduction. The managers believed that reducing the number ofadministrative personnel up to 50% would lead the company tocost savings including salaries, office space, furniture, indirectcosts, food, etc. Another benefit of reducing the numberof employees was stated to be making management morestraightforward. It is obvious that managing a company withless numbers of employees is much easier. Cost saving andstreamlining management would be more tangible for largecompanies.5.2.2. Time savingAnother advantage was reported as being time saving. Asdeclared by managers, the average delivery time for differentwork would beminimized by amessage transfer system. It wasalso highlighted by ISO certification agencies that according totheir experiencewith other IT systems, the spent administrativetime would reduce between 40% and 60%.5.2.3. Other benefitsLess paperwork, proper documentation and archiving andeasier communication were also emphasized by managers, asa result of DW and IT usage. One manager expressed thatarchiving space, after ISO 9000 certification, was expanded tobeing 4 times bigger than before certification. They had toextend the buildings for administrative and archiving purposes.This imposed considerable expense on the company, includingthe need for newpersonnel, and also caused some difficulties incommunication and data access. He claimed that using a systemlike PMSS would help companies prevent such extra expenseand effort. On the other hand, an important issue for amanageris fast and easy access to necessary information, which can beachieved easily by utilizing a system like PMSS.Managers also revealed that more accuracy would beattained by using PMSS. Almost 100% accuracy would beprovided, compared with 15%–20% human errors faced bycompanies as stated by some managers.5.2.4. Application difficultiesThe only difficulty of PMSS application was believed tobe the resistance of personnel. Clearly, every new systemfaces some resistance and adaptation difficulties. Managementcommitment and ability would encourage personnel to acceptthe new system and procedures.Long-term feedback was expected to be obtained afterlonger time usage of PMSS. The authors expect to receiveboth managers and employees feedback after at least oneyear of PMSS practical implementation. As short-termfeedbackdemonstrated the practicality and advantages of PMSS, togetherwith the positive view of the managers, it is anticipated thatlong-term feedback will also prove its appropriateness andease of use. Motivation cannot be measured yet, since itrequires employee performance to be observed and evaluatedafter at least 6 months of PMSS implementation.
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