The optimized design will be investigated by towing test experiments in the near future, in order to validate the optimization outcomes.    Figure 6. Example of URANS simulation of one design in irregular head waves, sea state 5, Fr=0.5.  Figure 7. Original vs. Optimal design (Fr=0.425) AKNOWLEDEGMENTS This research is supported by the US Office of Naval Research (NICOP N00014-11-1-0237) and the ONR Global (NICOP N62909-11-1-7011), under the administration of Dr. Ki-Han Kim and Dr. Woei-Min Lin, and by the Italian Flagship Project RITMARE, coordinated by the National Research Council and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, within the National Research Program 2011-13. The Authors wish also to thank their co-workers: Xi Chen, Manivannan Kandasamy, Cecilia Leotardi, Riccardo Pellegrini,  Andrea Serani and Silvia Volpi. REFERENCES [1]  EF Campana, D Peri, Y Tahara, M Kandasamy, F Stern  (2010),  “Numerical Optimization Methods for Ship Hydrodynamic Design”, Transaction SNAME, Vol. 118,  pp.1-42. [2]  J Kuhn, (2010), discussion on [1], Transaction SNAME, Vol. 118,  p.44.  [3]  M Kandasamy, D Peri, SK Ooi, P Carrica, F Stern, EF Campana, P Osborne, J Cote, N Macdonald, N de Waal, (2011), ”Multi-fidelity optimization of a high-speed foil-assisted semi-planing catamaran for low wake”, J. Mar Sci Technol, Vol. 16 (2), pp143–156. [4]  HD Sherali, V Ganesan, (2003) “A Pseudo-Global Optimization Approach with Application  to the Design of Containerships”, J. of Global Optimization, V 26, N 4, pp 335-360. [5]  DNV-GL, (2014), “The future of shipping”, Høvik. [6]  M Diez, EF Campana, F Stern (2015), “Design-space dimensionality reduction in shape optimization by Karhunen - Löeve Expansion”, Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg, 283, pp.1525–1544. [7]  A Pinto, D Peri, EF Campana, (2007), “Multiobjective Optimization of a Containership using Deterministic Particle Swarm Optimization”, J. of Ship Research, Vol.51(3), pp 217-228. [8]  A Serani, G Fasano, G Liuzzi, S Lucidi, U Iemma, EF Campana, M. Diez, (2015), “Derivative-free global design optimization in ship hydrodynamics by local hybridization”, COMPIT 2015 (14th  Int. Conf. on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries).  [9]  W He, M Diez, EF Campana, F Stern , Z Zou (2013), “A one-dimensional polynomial chaos method in CFD-Based uncertainty quantification for ship hydrodynamic performance” J. of Hydrod, 25,655 [10]  M Diez, W He, EF Campana, F Stern (2014),  “Uncertainty quantification of Delft catamaran resistance, sinkage and trim for variable Froude number and geometry using metamodels, quadrature and Karhunen–Loève expansion”, J. Mar Sci Technol, Vol. 19 - 2, pp 143-169. [11]  S Volpi, M Diez, NJ Gaul, H Song, U Iemma, KK Choi, EF Campana, F Stern (2015), “Development and validation of a dynamic metamodel based on stochastic radial basis functions and uncertainty quantification”, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, V. 51 (2), pp 347-368. [12]  X Chen,  M  Diez, M Kandasamy, Z Zhang, EF Campana, F Stern (2015), “High-fidelity global optimization of shape design by dimensionality reduction, metamodels and deterministic particle swarm”, Engineering Optimization, V. 47(4), pp. 473-474. [13]  X Chen, M Diez, M Kandasamy, EF Campana, F Stern, (2013), “Design optimization of the waterjet-propelled DELFT catamaran in calm water using URANS, design of experiments, metamodels and swarm intelligence”, in Proceedings of the 12th international conference on fast sea transportation, FAST2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [14]  M Diez, X Chen, EF Campana, F Stern, (2013), “Reliability-based robust design optimization for ships in real ocean environment”, FAST 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. [15]  CG Kennell, BL White,  EN  Comstock (1985).  “Innovative naval designs for North Atlantic operations”, Transactions-Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 93, 261-281. [16]  Y Tahara, M Diez, S Volpi, X Chen, EF Campana, F Stern (2014), “CFD-based multiobjective stochastic optimization of a waterjet propelled high speed ship”,  30th  Symp.  on Naval Hydrodynamics, Hobart (Tasmania), Australia. [17]  M Diez, EF Campana, F Stern (2015), “Multi-objective optimization of a high-speed catamaran subject to stochastic sea state and speed by high-fidelity simulations”, to be presented at  FAST 2015, Washington DC, USA.















