CB/EB 76 Mellapak 500Y 30。5 27。9 27。9 22。4 22。98
i-C4/n-C4 8533 Mellapak 250Y 11。9 31。8 25。4 24。1 21。6–3110
C6/n-C7 1241 Flexipac 250Y 21。8 40。6 35。6 30。5 38–4110
cis-/trans-Decalin 304 Mellapak 250Y 24。1 41。9 39。4 38。1 33–35。68
TEG/H2O/CH4 31,030 Flexipac 250Y 472。4 348。0 1193。8 140 167。612
In all cases, the countercurrent flow model was used。 All experiments at total reflux。 HETPs are reported in cm。 CB, chlorobenzene; EB, ethylbenzene; TEG, triethylene glycol。
Figure 1。 Diagram showing the changing driving force for mass transfer between the operating line and the equilibrium curve。
Consider the diagrams in Figure 1。 Note that there is a con- tinuously changing overall driving force for mass transfer。 Where it is possible to assume that the equilibrium curve is lin- ear over the range in which it is to be used, it can be shown that the logarithmic mean of the terminal potentials accounts for the continuously changing driving force exactly。13,15
G ¼ ðKOyamÞjnHETPn
1 — mn G!
ln。mn G。
The amount of the more volatile component (referred to as component ‘‘A’’) transferred from the vapor to the liquid phase
Further, if we define kn ¼ mnG/L, then
per unit area (i。e。, the flux of the more volatile component) is
NA ¼ Gðyn — ynþ1Þ (1)
。 ln kn 。
kn — 1
where G is the molar flux of vapor in the column (assumed constant in the packed section because of constant molal overflow)。
With the assumption that the equilibrium curve is straight
This is the final expression for the HETP at stage ‘‘n’’— HETPn。 kn can be considered a sort of stripping factor。 The notation above—HETPn, KOya|n, and kn—implies that these quantities are dependent on the stage number, n, whereas G is not (because of the assumption of constant molal over-
0 1 flow)。 Figure 2 shows how ln(k)/(k—1) varies with k。