Bulk temperature has reflected the shear heat produced inside the workpiece。 If the workpiece has a strong shear within the role, workpiece temperature will rise。 In the mold filling stage, the volume can be seen from Fig。9 that the temperature diagram (speed-weighted average temperature) should be very uniform。 The minimum temperature is 177。3 °C, and the maximum temperature is 234。3 °C。 The changes meet the bulk temperature controlled range。


Fig。7 Recommended ram speed Fig。8 Temperature at flow front


Fig。9 Bulk temperature Fig。10 Pressure at the end of filling

Pressure。 As can be seen from Fig。10, the pressure distribution is obtained at the end of filling, and analysis of filling pressure distribution is balanced。 In the final filling pressure on the lower part of the blue, the entire plastic pressure difference is below 35MPa。

Volume / pressure conversion data and filling pressure data at the end of filling mold are the same effect。 Usually, the volume and pressure conversion throughout the injection molding cycle is the highest。 At this time the size and distribution of pressure through the pressure profile can be observed, and workpiece fill basically reach 100% at the conversion。 As can be seen from Fig。11, the largest injection pressure is 53。37MPa in molding process, and it is the red in the diagram position。 The grey part in the figure indicates that the workpiece 100% filled with good effect。

Pressure at the injection location。 Packing process based on the filling process is simulated by optimizing the injection of reasonable force and packing pressure for production preparation。 Fig。12 shows the packing process of simulation results。 Injection pressure flow is also key parameters, a direct impact on mold filling good or bad。 As can be seen from Fig。12, the end of injection molding pressure reaches the maximum 55MPa, less than the maximum injection molding machine, packing pressure curve and set the basic line。


Fig。11 Volume / pressure conversion Fig。12 Injection force and packing process


In the paper, Moldflow software through the flow behavior is used in the simulation, prediction, and display the forefront of melt flow way forward, filling the process pressure and temperature changes, air traps and weld lines the location and so on, which help craft personnel tryout prior to possible defects to predict, optimize the mold structure, improve quality and reduce mold injection mold production cycle, so as to mold development, product processing provide a good guide。


The authors would like to thank Science plan project of Shenzhen (SY200806300273A), team creativity project (CXTD1-007) and nature science (LG-08001) of institute of Information Technology, and nature science of Guangdong (9151802904000008) for their financial support。

摘要。 本文介绍了Moldflow技术的重要作用。通过综合应用Moldflow / MPI(Moldflow Plastics Insight)软件,用于CAE分析塑料外壳注射模,注塑参数如模具温度,熔体温度,注射时间和注射压力用于模拟实际生产过程。 由此可见Moldflow技术在模具开发,塑料制品设计,塑胶模具设计及注塑工艺参数等过程中起着重要的作用。


目前,大多数注塑模具设计师主要以其多年的模具经验为基础设计。 由于塑料工件的多样性,复杂性和设计师的有限经验,难以精确设计低成本,短周期,优质产品,合格率高的模具工艺程序,设计人员经常需要不断重复试用才能使修订后的模型正式投入生产,然而还是有一些精密模具由于无法修复而报废。论文网

















