Yet another embodiment of the invention is a method for installing a cross-rail support system。 The method includes inserting each elongate beam through the interior space of each support leg assembly,  adjusting the overall width of the cross-rail support system by sliding the elongate beams relative to each other so that an outer end of each elongate beam can engage the bed frame, and adjusting the placement of the support leg assemblies that on the elongate beams by sliding the support leg assemblies along the length of the elongate beams。

   The method may also include locking the support leg assemblies by engaging a locking mechanism on each support leg assembly so that the support leg assemblies are inhibited from sliding along the elongate beams。It can be detached from the lift mechanism and folded over the mattress,when the mattress is folded into a compact storage configuration。 Further。 The invention may include adjusting the height of each of the support leg assemblies so that each leg assembly contacts support platform。 such as a floor。 and then engaging a is locking member on the leg assembly to inhibit the height from being undesirably changed。

   The present invention has several advantages。 The leg assemblies provide both the rigidity required to maintain the parallel alignment of the elongate beams and the overall 20 support to the mattress。 Therefore more complex or additional elements such as collars are not required。 Also the width of the support system is adjustable allowing the support system to work with any of the common size mattresses。 The placements of the leg assemblies are adjustable as well。 Furthermore, the placement of the leg assemblies relative to the side rails is independent from the overall width of the support system。 Further。 a combination of screw stem floor glide and the series of telescoping extensions with locking screws and the groove in the outer telescoping extension allows for maximum extension or shortening of the leg structure。 Each leg structure depending from a position closer to the outer end of its respective elongate tube allows for the leg structures to be set proximate the side rails if required or desired。 

       According to some embodiments of the present invention, a hospital bed that can be converted to a chair configuration includes a base having opposite end portions, a lifting mechanism secured to the base between the end portions, a rotating frame mounted on the lifting mechanism that is configured to rotate horizontally relative to the base。 and a patient support surface pivotally secured to the rotating frame。 The patient support surface is configured to support a mattress thereon。 Each mattress or patient support surface can be titled independently of in its adjoining mattress or patient support surface。The degree and progression of the tilting is staggered to the incorporated provisional patent application。The lifting mechanism is configured to raise the patient support surface and mattress relative to the base to a stand-assist configuration to facilitate egress by a patient。

      The patient support surface includes a back section。 a seat section。 and foot section that are configured to articulate relative to each other。 and the patient support surface is configured to translate from a bed configuration to a side-egress chair configuration。the patient support surface is operable to rotate only from a substantially flat to tilled position in only one direction。The foot section includes a plurality of panels that are configured to translate relative to each other from a substantially co-planar relationship when the patient  support surface is in a bed configuration to a relationship where one of the foot section panels is substantially orthogonal to another foot section panel when the patient support surface is in a chair configuration。 The mattress has a retractable foot portion that adjusts its length in response to translation of the foot section panels。
















