Also。 locking members may be employed to fix the placement of the leg assemblies 13 along the elongate beams 12 and the overall width of the support system 11。 As an example and similar to the locking members described above。 locking screws 22b may be used by inserting and extending the screws 22b  and into threaded through holes 23b on the elongate tubes 15 so that the ends of the screws 22b tighten against one of the elongate beams 12 creating a frictional engagement between the elongate beam 12 and the leg assembly 13 thereby inhibiting movement is between the two。

In at least one embodiment and as illustrated。 each elongate tube 15 defines one interior space 17 for holding the elongate beams 12 immediately adjacent to each other or side-by-side。 Therefore, ti9tening the end of the locking 20 screw 22b against one of the elongate beams 12 creates a frictional engagement between both elongate beams 12 and the leg assembly 13 thereby inhibiting the leg assembly 13 and both elongate beams 12 from sliding。

   It should be noted that。 as shown in FIG。 4。 the elongate 25 beams 12 may not occupy the entire interior space 17。 For example, a one-eighth inch clearance may exist between the elongate beams 12 and the elongate tube 15。

   Also shown in the illustrated embodiment is the placement of all of the locking screws 22b for inhibiting the 30 sliding of the leg assembly 13 and at least one of the elongate beams 12 0n one side 30 0f each elongate tube 15。 The side 30 0f each elongate tube 15 containing the locking screws 22b is on the opposite side of the cross-rail support system 11 longitudinally from the locking screws 22b on the other 35 elongate tube 15。

   Another aspect of the invention is the manner in which each leg structure 16 depends from its respective elongate tube 15。 Although each leg structure 16 may be positioned in the center of its respective tube 15。 in the illustrated 40 elongate tube 15 at a position closer to an outer end of the elongate tube 15。 This is advantageous because it allows a leg structure 16。 which is providing the support to the bed to be positioned closer to the side rails 27 when necessary 45 compared to if the leg structure 16 was centered on the elongate tube 15。

   The support system 11 may also employ brackets  affixed to the outer ends 14 0f the elongate beams 12 for engaging the side rails 27 0f a bed frame 26。 As illustrated so in the figures。 the brackets 25 may be L-shaped with each having a vertical face and a horizontal face for engaging a side and top surface of the side rail 27。 The side rails 27 0ften have an inner wooden strip for receiving the box spring to which the brackets 25 can be fastened。 Also the bracket 25  may use a fastener。 such as a wood screw。 to hold the bracket 25 in place。 Although the figures illustrate an L-shaped bracket 25。 it should be noted that other bracket structures may be used。 For example, the bracket may be U-shaped。

   Although the figures illustrate a bed frame 26 with two cross-rail support systems 11 each with two leg assemblies 13。 one skilled in the art would appreciate the different number of cross-rail support systems 11 and leg assemblies 13 that will work with this invention。 For example, across-rail support system 11 may have only one leg assembly 13, and a one-legged embodiment may be part of a set of three cross-rail systems 11 for a single bed frame 26。

   The cross-rail support system 11 can be easily assembled and installed on-site for use by a purchaser with a newly acquired bed frame, or with a preexisting bed frame。 To assemble the support system 11, each leg assembly 13 is slide over and around one of the elongate beams 12 0ne at a time via the interior spaces 17 0f the leg assemblies 13。 The second elongate beam 12 is then inserted through the interior spaces 17 0f each leg assembly 13 such that the elongate beams 12 are placed in a parallel alignment。 Alternatively ,instead of placing all the leg assemblies 13 0n one elongate beam 12 then inserting the second elongate beam 12 through the leg assemblies 13, one leg assembly 13 may be placed on each elongate beam 12 then each elongate beam 12 may
















