(1)Significant wave height (Hs)
The significant wave height (Ns) is the mean height of the highest 1/3‘ of all waves in a sea-state。 He is
and rose of wind-waves)。
4。2Downtime Criteria
approximately equal to H •g [6-8]。 H 3•g is defined as The limiting wave heights for downtime assessment
the wave height exceeded by 13% of the waves in a Were provided by the client based on Russian norms sea-state。 [10] and are given in Table 2。(2)5% probability wave height (H,•。)
H5% is the wave height exceeded by 5% of the
waves in a sea-state。 The wave model results were used to assess
(3)Relationship between He and H,•„ operational downtime at the berths。 Waves affecting The relationship between Hs and H,•g。 was obtained the head and beam of a vessel (Fig。 8) were
from Ref。 [9] as H5% - 1。2 H 。 considered separately。
(a)Inshore time-series at the study site
I22 Preliminary Assessment of Operational Downtime of Sea Ports and Berthing Facilities through
Numerical Modelling
criterion with limits of Hs Hs —— 1。5 m for head seas。
beam seas andThe following four wave conditions were considered in the head and beam sea downtime assessments:
(1)wind-waves only;
(2)swell-waves only;
(3)higher of the wind-waves and swell-waves;
(4)resultant of wind-waves and swell-waves。
The resultant wave height, Hresultoni [(H ind)’ +
A wide range of vessel sizes was considered with 5。 Downtime Res
摘要海浪威胁到停靠码头的船舶时所带来的停工期,是人们规划与发展海港或码头时所要考虑的重要商业因素。本文描述了在某散货码头进行的业务停工期初步评估。在某离海站点获取了按时间序列排列的风力数据以及海浪信息后,通过德国水利研究所的MIKE21 SW模型开展了数值模拟,将上述数据换算为近海数据,获得了码头的海浪信息,并同时考虑了风浪和涌浪的情况。本文分开讨论了分别影响船头和船体的海浪,且考察了排水量在五千至两万吨的船舶。海浪浪高限值为H 5%。同时,本文还使用有效波高计算了业务停工期,将Hs作为标准,横浪限值为Hs=1米,迎浪限值为Hs=1。5米。本次研究中的方法论和经验可运用于世界各地海港的开发。 论文网
1。 简介