It is assumed that the initial tensile stresses extend over the entire HAZ width and are uniform over the width  (2

1) and through the plate thickness。 Their direction is parallel to the welding seam and the magnitude is equal to the flow  limit  of  the  material  of  the  HAZ,  i。e。 130 N/mm2。 This is valid for the stresses in the plate, as well as for the stresses in the stiffener。 If not specified, the standard HAZ width (2 1) is 50 mm in the plate and 25 mm into the webs (2)。

0。00 0。05 0。10 0。15 0。20 0。25 0。30 0。35 0。40

Average strain [%]

Fig。 13: Effects of weld types with residual stresses (ISSC model and ISSC initial imperfections)

0。00 0。05 0。10 0。15 0。20 0。25 0。30 0。35 0。40

Average strain [%]

Fig。 14: Effects of weld types with residual stresses (Standard model and Standard initial imperfections)

Table 2: Effects of weld types with residual stresses – Reduction of maximum average stress to reference (without HAZ)

Phase B5––yield stress in the HAZ

Analyses were done to assess the effect on the ultimate strength  of  the  variation  of  yield  stress  in  the HAZ。

Weld types

Reduction [%]

Plate and stiffener material properties and yield stress

  A C

Welds A 16。9 17。2

Welds B 3。0 (-3。7)*

Welds A + C1 26。2 15。5

Welds A + C2 24。1 15。8

  Welds B + C1 12。3 1。2

  Without HAZ [N/mm²] 169。9 150。3         

with  A  ISSC model and ISSC initial  imperfections

B   Standard model and Standard initial imperfections

*Such increase has to be confirmed by additional analyses

HAZ width (sensitivity assessment): Effect of the HAZ width combined with residual stresses was also assessed。 The width of the HAZ is modified and it becomes, respectively, 2 1  =25, 50 and 75 mm for   the

plate, 2 =12。5, 25 and 37。5 mm for the stiffener。 Fig。 15 shows the results for the configuration with Welds A (between the stiffeners and the plate) and Fig。 16 presents the results for Welds A+Weld C1。

outside of the HAZ do not change。 These analyses concern the configuration with Welds A。

The initial material stress–strain curve in the HAZ is defined as "Sy(ref HAZ)"。 The modified curves considered to assess the effect of the yield stress in the HAZ are shown in Fig。 17。 They are "Sy(ref HAZ)-10" up to "Sy(ref HAZ)+60", with increments in N/mm2摘要隶属中坚工贸发展有限公司(以下简称 ISSC)的研究极限强度的委员会在 2003 年针对铝合金 加筋板进行了一次极限强度的基准测试。此次基准测试是为了量化给定的铝合金加筋板在面板参数 改变时的面板极限强度变化。其中被考虑的参数有焊接类型、HAZ 宽度、HAZ 的屈服应力、初始面 板偏转和残余应力。该文的作者讨论了由 ISSC 提供的主要成果和目前为了验证先前成果的进一步分 析。最后作者给出今后研究工作的建议。
















