2 Normative  references

ISO 26 1, /SO general-purpose

ccrr  +' f/fr‹s ads —  Ccnera/ plan

ISO 17292:2004(E)

ISO 4032,  //exagorf  mls, Mfg/e  I—  Product gracfes A  anc/ 6

ISO 520g, General purpose  industrial ma/acs Marf‹”‹tp

ISO 5752, Malai valves for  use in hanged pipe  sysforris —  Face-/o-/bce  anal cenfre-fo-/bce  dimensions

ISO 6708:1995, Pipework compononlc — De/fn/fion and se/ecfion  of OF (nominal site ISO 9606-1, Approval testing of well:/ers —  -u'sion we/d/ng —  Part t。  Sleeve

ISO 10497, Tosjir›g of va/ves — file fyqe-leafing rego/remen/s "

EN 1092-1, Flanges end f/isir ¿oir›fs — E/rcu/ar flanges /ér pipes, valves, ridings and accescortes, P/V- des/pnafed — Part ›。- Steel //anpec

EN 1333, Pipe rk components — De/Jn//ion and sc/ecf/on orP/v -

CN 10269, Sfee/s and nickel a//oyc /br fas/ertcrs will› specified e/evaded an&or low' terripomfum  properties EN 12982, industrial v'e/ves — End-to-end  and cen/re-to-end dimension's l'or butt We/d/ng end  va/vec

ASME  B1。20。1。 Pipe threads, general p urpose,  inch

ASME  B16。5, Pipe  ilarlges  and flanged fittings

\ )    To  bo published。  (Replaces ISO 9956-2-19 95)

2 GlSO]v04 -hJ dghereseueo

3Tetms  and deft nations

-For the purposes of this document, lie definibons for  pressure  d €tsi 9* Dtion, Class,  and  nominal  valve  size NPS given in ASME B4 6。3't。 the definition of pressure designation P’N  given  in  EN  1?33,  arid  the following terms aM r1cfinitions  apply。


niphanumnric designation of size for components of a pigewort‹ system, wI1ich  is us‹•。rT fur referenc‹J    purposes,

,。 • i+ -comp  isins Jhe  letters DN fo]IoWed  by a dimonsioniess  whole  number which  is indirectly  relaterl   o ihe physical

site, in milllmetrus。 of the bnre or outside diameter Of the end connections

llSO 67oe。 1995, defnition 2。 \]


antl-static design

design that provirler for electrical continuity between the body。 ball and stem of two valve

4Pressure/tern perature ratings

-4。1 Valve rating

The service pmssure/ temperature rating applicable To  valves  specified  in lh‹s  International  StandarJ  shall be 'dc lesser of the shell rating (see 4。2] Or the so at rating (sec   ‹1,3)。

4。2Shell rating

4。2。1The pressure/femperolure ratings applicable to the valve pressure containing swell (the pressure boundary clements — e。g。 body, body Cap, trunnion  cap,  cover,  body  inserts)  shall  be  in  aOcOrdaFlce  wilh those 0peclf\ed in the pres sure/temperature tables of either ASME 616。34。 Standard Class for Class- Jc signaled valves, or  EN 1092-1 ior PN-designated valves。

4。2。2The temperature for 6 corresponding shell pressure rating  is  the  maximum  tempera(u're  tit at  is permitted for the pressure containing shell of the valve。 In general, this maximum temperatLfre is tf1»t of the contained flui‹J。 The use of a pressure rating corresponding to a temperature oir cr than lhct of the contained fluid  is the  responsibility  of  the  user。  For  ten1perutures  beiow  the  lowest  temperature  listed  in the

















