摘要:随着社会的快速发展,人们对于网络购物要求也越来越严格,而今现有的法律制度早已不能保护消费者的合法权益,为了解决在非现场购物中出现的可能发生的问题《消费者权益保护法》第28条规定了:“经营者采用网络、电视、电话、邮购等方式销售商品,消费者有权自收到商品之日起七日内退货,但根据商品性质不宜退货的除外。经营者应当自收到退回货物之日起七日内返还消费者支付的价款”。本论文主要就网络购物七天无条件退货中可能存在的问题,根据这些问题提出完善措施两方面进行阐述。24374 毕业论文关键词:非现场购物;七天无条件退货;网络购物;消费者权益保护
Theory of "consumer rights and interests protects a law" revised in the draft about off-site shopping "seven days unconditional return"
Abstract: Along with the rapid development of society, people also more and more strict about online shopping, but now the existing legal system already cannot protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, in order to solve the possible problems in the field in the shopping of consumer rights and interests protects a law "stipulated in article 28:" operators use the methods such as network, TV, telephone, mail order to sell goods, consumers have the right to receipt of the goods within seven days from the date of return, except according to the nature of goods should not be return. The operator shall within seven days from the date of receiving the returned goods returned to the price paid by consumers ". This thesis mainly network shopping seven days unconditional return of the problem, two aspects of perfect measures for these problems.
Key words: Off-site shopping;Seven days unconditional return; Network shopping; The protection of consumers' rights and interests
目 录
摘 要…1
致 谢.11
随着当代社会的快速发展,人们的生活节奏越来越快,很多不同层次的人们都没有太多时间用来购买生活必需品或者是花大把的时间货比三家决定购买所需物品,这也就导致了网络等非现场购物方式的蓬勃发展。从1998年起中国的第一笔网上交易成功;在1999年随着8848等B2C 网站的正式开通运营标志着中国开始进入购物网站的实际阶段;自1998年国内最大的商务拍卖网站易趣开始进行;而1999年,B2C网站当当投入运营。2000年,卓越成立;2003年,B2B②网站阿里巴巴投资成立C2C③网站淘宝;2004年,新浪和雅虎合资成立C2C网站一拍网,网络购物也就是在2004年前后兴起。