关键词 司法独立 公共舆论监督 司法正义 毕业论文外 文 摘要
Title Judicial independence under the supervision by public opinion
The main purpose of judiciary is the flexible use of law by resolving legal problems. And the principle of judicial independence helps keeping the authority and professional of judicial actions. However, the judicature itself has also shortcomings. In practice, the principle of judicial independence often subject to the interference of other factors. Among these factors, the supervision by public opinion is, in help of the Internet media, gradually becoming the “fourth force” in addition to the state power. On the one hand, the supervision by public opinion can compensate for the deficiencies of the judicial system and control the use of judicial power; the other hand, along with the “trial by media” phenomenon, the supervision by public opinion also shows its inappropriate side. Therefore, how to solve the conflict between judicial independence and supervision by public opinion has become an important issue during the process of constructing the rule of law in China.
Keywords judicial independence supervision by public opinion judicial justice目 次