Abstract::At the end of the Qing Dynasty is an important period of transformation of the feudal society, the complicated domestic and foreign environment, law education and other factors contribute to the reform of the examination system of selecting judges. In the late Qing Dynasty is of great significance in the judicial examination system of purpose, qualification, form, content, provides some experience for the current national judicial examination system. In the aspect of judicial officer access conditions, the examination form, content, still has the reference significance for today's judicial examination, the ancient law and modern law come down in one continuous line.
Key word: the end of Qing Dynasty ,judicial qualification examination ,affect ,model
1 引言 4
2 清末司法官考试制度产生的背景 4
2.1 国内局势 4
2.2 国际环境 5
2.3 领事裁判权 5
2.4法学教育 6
3 清末司法官考试制度的内容 6
3.1 考试宗旨 6
3.2 考试资格 7
3.3考试形式 7
3.4 考试内容 8
4 清末司法官考试的重要意义 8
4.1考试形式相对完善 8
4.2考试内容重点突出 9
4.3重点考察考生能力 9
4.4注重专业化 10
5 清末司法官考试制度对当代的启示 10
5.1司法官准入条件方面 10
5.2考试形式方面 11
5.3考试内容方面 11
5.4明确职业经验要求 12
5.5建立职培训制度 13
5.6强调品行操守 13
结语 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
1 引言
“鸦片战争后,清王朝面临着内忧外患,统治危机进一步加深,原有的司法体制已经不能适应维护统治的需要。”[1] 为了继续维持统治,清政府被迫实施新政,改革中国传统司法体制。新政在司法层面上的改革主要表现在在设立独立的审判厅,独立行使审判权的法官随之产生。宣统元年十二月二十五日,宪政编查馆上奏《法官考试任用暂行章程》,这是我国近代以来第一个与司法官考试相关的法规,司法官考试制度由此开始建立。