    摘要:本设计是一座跨径为92+168+92 m的高速铁路连续梁桥的设计(其中包括上部结构以及墩身的设计)。
    全桥选用三跨一联预应力混凝土变截面连续梁结构,以双线作为线路形式,线间距为4.6 m;根据抛物线来改变梁底下缘和腹板底部上缘,同时,底板和腹板可按要求改变厚度;中间支座处梁高为9 m,边支座和跨中处梁高为4.5 m;考虑到梁体受到抗弯刚度和扭转刚度的影响,采用单箱单室箱梁截面,桥面宽度为12.4 m,梁底宽度为6 m。主梁选用悬臂浇筑法施工(挂篮),桥墩采纳钻孔桩基础。19758
    (1) 总体了解本课题的毕业设计任务书,熟悉其中的设计基本资料,施工方法以及进行结构尺寸的拟定。
    (2) 通过Midas有限元分析软件,建立简单,合理的有限元模型,分析梁体的受力情况,主要计算了梁体在恒载、活载、附加力作用下的内力效应;同时在内力组合下进行预应力钢束的估算和布置、预应力损失及有效预应力的计算;同时模型考虑了梁体在温度、预加力、混凝土收缩徐变作用下引发的次内力效应以及主墩墩身及桩基础计算。
    (3) 通过软件调出主要组合作用下的应力效应,并根据规范进行了梁体结构设计验算(其中包括承载能力极限状态验算、正常使用极限状态验算、使用阶段抗弯、抗裂开、抗弯验算、结构挠曲变形验算等)。
    The design of a continuous girder bridge with the main spans of (92+168+92)m
    Abstract: This design is a span of 92+168 +92 m continuous design of  high-speed railway girder bridge (including superstructure and pier design).
    This bridge across a joint with three uniform continuous prestressed concrete beam structure, in the form of two-line, line spacing is 4.6 m, On the bottom edge and bottom edge of the beam according to the parabolic law changes webs, floor upon request thicken.
    The fulcrum of the beam height 9m, side pivot and height of the beam span at 4.5m, Taking into account the effects of bending stiffness and torsional rigidity of the beam using a single box-section single-chamber tank, deck width of 12.4 m, beam bottom width of 6m.Main Beam Cantilever Construction Method (Cradle Construction), using bored pile foundation piers.
    The main design process is as follows:
    (1) The overall understanding of the mission statement of the graduate design topics, which are familiar with basic information design, construction methods as well as the size of the proposed structure.
    (2) By Midas finite element analysis software, to create a simple, rational finite element model. Analyze the forces of the beam, the beam focus in computing dead loads, live loads, internal forces under the effect of the additional force. Estimate and prestressed steel beams arranged in a combination of internal forces, prestressing losses and calculate the effective prestressing. Meanwhile model considers the beam temperature, pre afterburner, concrete shrinkage and creep effects of secondary forces under the effect caused by the body and the main pier and pile basis.
    (3) Forces and carried out according to the specifications of beam structural design checking (Including the carrying capacity limit state checking, limit state checking, use phase bending, anti-cracking, bending checking, structural deflection checking).
    Keywords: continuous girder bridge, prestressed, high-speed railway, structural design, Midas
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  高速铁路的定义以及全球发展    1
    1.2  高速铁路桥梁的类型及特点    1
    1.3  连续梁的定义和分类    2
    1.4  有限元软件Midas试用版简介    3
    1.5  梁桥设计特点    4
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