        对具有代表性的GB10、ACI318-08及CSA A23.3等规范的抗剪设计公式和相关条文进行了介绍,并对各个规范公式考虑的影响因素进行了对比。19764
        选取与实际工程参数相近的71 根梁的切剪试验数据,建立了一个参数覆盖范围较广的剪切数据库;
        基于数据库,对GB10、ACI318-08及CSA A23.3等规范的抗剪设计公式进行了分析和评价。
    关键词:钢筋混凝土;抗剪承载力;数据库; 规范公式评估
    Research on shear design method for
    reinforced concrete beam
    Abstract: The shear capacity of reinforced concrete beam research is a classical topic in the study of basic theory of concrete structure, because  its complex failure mechanisms , affected by many factors and has attracted many attentions of scholars at home and abroad. Nearly one hundred years, researches proposed from different angles, different kinds of theoretical formula. These theoretical formulas was difficult and complex form is not convenient for engineering application. Most countries in the design formula has the empirical formula or a certain guaranteed rate of return based on the experimental data. This paper mainly has carried the following research:
    1.The representative GB10, ACI318-08 and CSA A23.3 shear design formula of specification and the relevant provisions are introduced and the various specifications formula considering the influencing factors were compared.
    2. Select the engineering parameters similar to the actual test data 71 shear beam, the establishment of a wide range of parameters covering small shear database.
    3. Based on database, the GB10 ACI318-08 and CSA A23.3 specification of shear design formula were analyzed and evaluated.
    KeyWords: Reinforced concrete;Shear Capacity;Database;Evolution of standard formula 
    目 录
    1  绪论    4
    1.1 引言    4
    1.2 钢筋混凝土梁主要的抗剪理论    4
    1.2.1桁架模型理论    5
    1.2.2古典桁架模型    5
    1.2.3压力场理论(Compressive Field Theory)    6
    1.2.4极限平衡理论    10
    1.2.5塑性理论    11
    1.2.6压力路径理论    12
    1.2.7剪摩理论    12
    1.3 本文的主要工作    12
    2  主要国家规范的RC梁的抗剪设计公式    13
    2.1 引言    13
    2.2中国规范    13
    2.3美国ACI318R-08规范[19]    15
    2.4 CSA A23.3规范[20]    15
    2.5 各国规范抗剪设计公式比较    16
    2.6 本章小结    17
    3  基于RC梁抗剪试验数据的规范公式评估    18
    3.1 引言    18
    3.2 剪切数据库    18
    3.3 规范公式评估    20
    3.4 本章小结    23
    4  结论    24
    致 谢    25
    参考文献    26
    1  绪论
    1.1 引言
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