
    This design mainly involves the standard GB 50016-2006《Code for fire protection design of buildings》, GB50116-98《Code of design for automatic fire alarm system》, GB50084-2001 《Code of design for sprinkler systems》, GB50067-97《Code for fire protection design of garage, Motor repair shop and parking area》, GB50140-2005《Code for design distribution in of extinguisher buildings》, GB 50098-2009《Code for fire protection design of civil air defence works》and GB 50222-1995《Code for Fire Prevention in design of Interior decoration of buildings》.
    The general layout of fire control of this building involves the identification of fire-resistance rating, fireproof distance and lane for fire-fighting. In accordance with some regulations and rules, this building has been rated as the first class public building, and its fire-resistance rating as the first level, the fireproof distance between this building and other high-rise buildings should be 13m. Fire lane was designed using circular fire lane of 4m wide, and set three outside road links of export.
    Graphic design of the building mainly includes the fire compartment. B1 is pided into 15 fire compartments while B2 is pided into 10, totally 25 fire compartments. The largest is 3999m2.
    Each fire compartment has more than two emergency exits. The underground building equipped 41 evacuation stairs. By calculation, The width of safety evacuation, the distance of safety evacuation is conformed to the specification requirements. According to the function of the interior architecture, the two underground layers is pided into five areas, the combustion performance level of each area can meet the requirements. Then select the related decoration material.
    The design is mainly made for fire emergency of A and B class, and few for E class. The underground building is pided into 25 computing elements. Fire extinguishers are equipped with ammonium phosphate powders (MF/ABC4) and hands holder. Fire maximum configuration level is 2A55B, and maximum protection distance of hands holder is 20 meters. Each spot equipped 2-3 extinguishers.
    As for the indoor fire hydrant system, the design selects 65mm hydrant, monitor with a 19mm nozzle, and glue-wall hose with 65mm diameter and 20m long. Besides, the water-power calculation of full water spout is 12 meters long, and fire hydrant protective radius is 24.49 meters long. The most unfavorable point of required pressure of hydrant’s hole is 19.93mH2O, and nozzle flow volume of it is 5.2L/s. Then choose the pump type of XBD7/50-150. Water pump head is 40 mH2O.
    The auto-spray system adopts the design of closed type automatic water spraying foam combined system. In accordance with regulations and rule, this building is regarded as II class of danger categories. This design chooses the layout of nozzle in the form of rectangle, drafting nozzle layout for each room. As for each room, it will make sure the specific location in accordance with the width and length, and the amount of nozzle, and make sure the layout of the hoses.
    The design of automatic alarm system is the key link in the design of fire-control in a building, and plays an important role of early alarming and extinguishing fire. It involves the selection of automatic alarm system’s type, the choice of fire-detection method, and the decision of fire-detecting equipment, etc. In accordance with the features of underground building, the garage selects heat-sensing fire-detecting equipment, while the market and other places select intelligent photoelectric smoke detector.
    Keywords:  underground complex;fireproof design;subarea;evacuation;smoke control
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 设计背景    1
    1.2 火灾危险性    1
    1.3 目前地下商业建筑的消防设计难点及对策    2
    1.3.1 设计难点    2
    1.3.2 消防对策    3
    1.4 工程概况    3
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