    摘要本人设计的上海大学行政楼为5层现浇混凝土框架结构,总面积为5702 m²,建筑高度为23.8m(从室外地坪到屋面檐口)。本工程建筑耐火等级为二级,耐久年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为7度。该楼首层层高5.7m,其余层高均为4.5m。整楼长85.2m,共设楼梯4个。该楼为满足行政办公的要求,设置了接待处,办公室,会议室,报告厅等。在板、基础和楼梯的设计等。在立面设计中,只要强调建筑的简洁、明快和协调特点,建筑形体采用长方形造型,不追求复杂的装饰。外立面采用三段式设计,即底部、中部和上部。底部墙面以深褐色的条形石式样布置,而中上部墙而则采用明快鲜艳的色彩瓷砖贴面。三段式立面大采用纵横线条装饰,讲究玻璃、磁砖、不锈钢等建材以及空调板、凹凸窗配置,具有较强的现代质感和丰富层次感。剖面主要用来反映建筑物内部空间的关系。底层楼梯的踏步数为30个,踏步高度为150mm,踏步宽度为300mm。楼梯的梯段宽为1.74m,梯间宽为3.9m。扶手高度为1.2m,宽度为60mm。考虑到在管理、使用、交通设施等诸多方面的综合要求,再设计本建筑的交通组织方面特作如下考虑:本设计总设四个门,分别承担进出人流的功能,侧面两门的尺寸设为相同,正面的大门较大,使得整体空间更为大方,走道没有迂回,方便疏散。走廊:走廊因充分考虑人流通畅和建筑防火要求,以及搬运部分的通行要求。综合以上因素,并根据《建筑设计防火规范》,走廊设计最小净宽为2.4m。楼梯:作为各层房间的垂直联系部分,考虑满足人流疏散,根据通行人数和建筑防火要求,以及行人上时的侧身避让,已经采用双跑楼梯,梯间宽为3.9m,梯段宽为1.74m。楼梯布置在底层中心位置,使得三门入口处都能直接看到,采用左右对称布置,使得整体布局大气,简约。另设电梯两部,位于正门入口处,方便人员的平面交通。22853
    毕业论文关键词:行政楼;框架; 建筑设计; 结构设计。
        I designed the Dong Hai Building to 5 layers in-situ concrete frame structure, with a total area of 5702 m², building height of 23.8m (from the outdoor terrace to the roof eaves). The engineering and construction durability rating of two, durable life of 50 years, seismic intensity of 7 degrees. , a total of five layers storey floor 5.7m, rest storey are 4.5m. The whole floor length 85.2m, total staircase 4. The building is one of the requirements to meet the teaching office set up, reception, offices, meeting rooms, lecture halls, classrooms, etc. In the plate, the design of foundations and stairs. In the facade design, as long as emphasized architectural profile, crisp and coordination features, architectural form using a rectangular shape, not the pursuit of elaborate ornamentation. Facades three-stage design, namely the bottom, middle and top. Bottom wall stone with a dark brown stripe design layout, while the upper part of the wall and then use bright vivid colors tile veneer. Large three-facade decorated using vertical and horizontal lines, exquisite glass, tile, stainless steel and other building materials, and air conditioning plate, bump window configuration, with a strong modern texture and rich layering. Section primarily to reflect the relationship between the internal space of the building. Bottom stair stepping number 30, stepping height is 160mm, stepping width of 290mm. Stair bench width 1.74m, width of the staircase 3.9m. Armrest height of 1.2m, a width of 60mm. Taking into account the teaching building office one in management, use, transportation facilities, and many other aspects of the comprehensive requirements, and then design the construction of traffic organization for the following special considerations: The total design have four doors, and out of traffic, respectively, assumed the function, the back two The size is set to the same door, front door, and made the whole space is more generous, walkways no detour to facilitate evacuation. Corridors: Corridor unobstructed flow due to fully consider and building fire safety requirements, as well as handling some of the prevailing requirements. Taking all these factors, and in accordance with "architectural design code for fire protection," minimum clear width of the corridor design 2.4m. Stairs: vertical contact as part of the layers of the room, considered to meet the crowd evacuation, according to the prevailing number and fire protection requirements, and avoid sideways when pedestrians have been run with double staircase,  staircase width of 3.9m, width bench 1.74m. Arranged in the bottom center of the stairs, and teaching building ends, making three entrance can be seen directly, using the symmetrical layout, making the overall layout of the atmosphere and minimalist. Two separate elevator, located in the main entrance, to facilitate personnel plane traffic.
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