    摘要:     随着当今全社会大力提倡低碳经济和节能环保,外墙保温作为节能减排的一项既有效又十分重要的措施,逐渐被越来越多的新兴建设项目所大量采用。近年来由外墙保温材料引起的高层建筑火灾更是频繁发生,使得高层建筑室外火灾已经俨然成为当下防火安全工程研究的热点议题。本研究采用CFD火灾模拟软件FDS针对一幢高层住宅建筑进行外保温材料火灾特性模拟分析,研究了不同外墙外保温材料的火灾燃烧性能,以及有无空腔和防火隔离带设置情况下的热释放速率、一氧化碳体积分数、温度及能见度的变化情况。研究结果表明,应尽可能避免空腔、防火隔离带的存在十分必要,外墙外保温材料需谨慎选择,本文的研究成果对未来高层节能建筑的防火设计施工具有一定的借鉴意义。5261
    关键词:    建筑外保温材料;高层建筑防火;空腔;防火隔离带;FDS;
    Research on fire spread characteristics and fire protection strategies of typical insulation layers of high-rise buildings
    Abstract:     With the strongly encouraged low carbon economics and energy saving in social, insulation layers are regarded as an efficient and important measure to save energy, and regularly used in new construct projects. In recent years, fires of high-rise buildings caused by insulating layers happens frequently, which make the outdoor fire of high-rise buildings become a focus of fire safety engineering nowadays.CFD fire simulation software FDS is used to analysis the fire characteristics of insulation layers on a high-rise building, study the fire burning performance on different insulation layers of high-rise buildings, the heat release rate, the carbon monoxide concentration, temperature, and visibility changes no matter whether there is a cavity and a fire belt. Studies have shown that, the cavity should be avoided, and the fire belt is really necessary and insulation layers should be carefully selected. Results of this research have some reference significance on the fire protection and construction of the high energy-saving buildings in the future.
    Keywords:    insulation layers;fire safety in high-rise buildings;cavity;fire belt;FDS;
      目 录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究目的及意义    3
    1.3 研究内容及方法    3
    2    国内外研究现状与发展    2
    2.1 国内研究现状与发展    2
    2.1.1 国内外墙保温材料防火性能现状与发展    2
    2.1.2 国内高层建筑火灾防火应对措施    2
    2.2 国外研究现状与发展    3
    2.2.1 国外外墙保温材料防火性能现状与发展    3
    2.2.2 国外高层建筑火灾防火应对措施    4
    3    住宅外保温材料火灾特性及防火策略研究的理论基础    5
    3.1 建筑外保温材料燃烧特性    5
    3.1.1 建筑材料及制品燃烧性能分级    5
    3.1.2 燃烧性能种类分析    6
    3.2 火灾流体动力学的理论基础    6
    3.2.1 计算流体动力学    6
    3.2.2 火灾计算流体动力学的运用    7
    3.2.3 FDS数值模拟理论基础    7
    3.3 高层建筑火灾研究特性    8
    3.3.1 火势迅猛,烟火蔓延迅速,极易形成立体式火灾    8
    3.3.2 高层建筑结果复杂,人员疏散困难,伤亡严重    8
    3.3.3 高层建筑钢结构耐火性能不够    9
    3.3.4 灭火救援难度大    9
  1. 上一篇:小产权房火热交易的原因及分析对策
  2. 下一篇:建筑火灾烟气的FDS模拟研究+文献综述
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