    摘要: 本设计题目是“上海应伦实验楼框架结构设计”。该实验大楼为一栋现代化的办公及休闲于一体的综合性实验办公大楼。根据实验楼使用者的实验需要,选择自己满意的实验环境;同时,良好的实验环境可以吸引优秀的研究人员。实验楼设计应尊重所在地的生态环境表达且对环境的尊重,也是在对将要实施的实验室项目充分分析基础上,对方案构思中将主体建筑作为整体环境的背景的设计理念将实验楼所在建筑包容于环境之中。要充分的考虑到实验楼周围的生态设施树木草丛同样也可以起到环保隔离及优化空气质量的作用。在框架结构设计过程中,综合考虑恒、活载以及风荷载的作用,选取特殊的柱进行手算,利用PKPM进行对整体框架梁、柱的电算。在楼板的设计过程中,在进行荷载的收集和计算、内力分析,选取特殊板块进行截面计算、配筋。出于对上海土质松软的考虑,故框架结构基础采用桩基础。27941
    Design of the frame structure of the experimental
    building in Shanghai
    Abstract: This design topic is "Shanghai should Lun experimental floor frame structure design". This experiment building is a comprehensive experimental office building for a modern office and leisure.. According to the experimental building user's experiment needs, chooses the experimental environment which oneself is satisfied, simultaneously, the good experiment environment may attract the outstanding researcher. The laboratory building design should respect local expression of the ecological environment and respect for the environment and also in laboratory projects to be implemented fully analysis based on, the design idea of design will be the main building as the background of the overall environment the building where the building contained in the environment. To take into account the experimental floor of the ecological facilities around the trees can also play a green separation and optimize the role of air quality. In the process of the frame structure design, the action of the constant, live load and wind load is considered, and the special column is selected for the calculation. The PKPM is used to calculate the whole frame beam and column. In the course of the design of floor slab, the collection and calculation of load, the internal force analysis, the section calculation and reinforcement of special plate are selected. For the soft consideration of the soil in Shanghai, the frame structure foundation is used to pile foundation.
    Key words: reinforced concrete frame structure; design of floor slab; pile foundation
    第一章 绪论    6
    1.1 引言    6
    1.2 工程概况与设计资料    6
    1.2.1 规 模    6
    1.2.2 设计要求    6
    1.3 技术参数    7
    1.3.1 气象资料    7
    1.3.2 地质资料    7
    1.3.3 抗震设防要求:    8
    1.4 材料选择及相关材料力学性能指标    8
    第二章 建筑设计部分    9
    2.1 建筑设计想法    9
    2.2 建筑设计考虑    9
    2.2.1 功能    10
    2.2.2 净高    10
    2.2.3 窗    10
    2.2.4 门    10
    2.2.5 交通设施    10
    2.3 建筑平面布置    11
    2.4 墙体做法    12
    2.5 楼面做法    12
    第三章 结构设计的要求与选型    14
    3.1 结构设计要求    14
    3.2 柱网布置    15
    3.3 梁截面尺寸    15
  1. 上一篇:水资源研究中心建筑与结构设计计算书+CAD图纸
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