    【摘要】 水资源是我国中长期科学和技术发展的重点领域及其优先主题。水资源短缺与水质污染已成为制约中国经济社会可持续发展的瓶颈。本中心旨在促进水资源学科在本地区的发展,推动与一流水资源研究机构的合作,建设先进水平的中国水资源研究基地。底层设会议室, 办公室,二层设仿真模拟大厅, 接待室, 办公室,三层设办公室、会议厅, 组合办公套间,四层设报刊借阅室, 办公室,五层及以上设办公室, 大小两种会议室。建筑总面积5000m2,层数8层。27940
    The Architecture and Structure Design Center for Water Rescources  Research
    Water resources are the key areas of long-term science and technology in our country and their priority topics. Water shortage and water pollution have become the bottleneck restricting the sustainable development of Chinese economy and society.This center is aimed at promoting the development of water resources discipline in the region, and promoting the cooperation with a Research Institute of water resources, and to build an advanced level of Chinese water resources research base. Underlying design conference room, office, second floor set simulation hall, reception room, office, three layer design office, conference room, combination of office suites, four layer design of newspapers and periodicals reading room, office, five layer and located above the office, size two conference room. Total construction area 5000m2, 8 storeys.
    Keywords: water resources, sustainable development.
    1 建筑方案设计  1
    1.1 设计依据  1
    1.2 设计要求及技术参数  2
    1.3 设计方案  2
    1.3.1 建筑设计部分  2
    1.3.2 结构设计部分  2
    1.4 建筑平面图  3
    2 结构方案设计  4
    2.1 设计依据 4
    2.2柱网布置  5
    2.3外立面设计  5
    2.4建筑基本尺寸条件初估 6
    2.5 材料选择  6
    3荷载计算  7
    4 楼梯计算  15
    4.1 楼梯概况  15
    4.1.1 几何参数  15
    4.1.2 材料信息  15
    4.2 梯板设计  15
    4.3 平台板设计  16
    4.4 平台梁设计  17
    4.5 梯梁设计  17
    5 基础设计 19
    5.1 工程概况  17
    5.2 桩基设计  17
    6 电算  35
    6.1 总信息  25
    6.2 周期  50
    6.3 结构位移  75
    致谢  83
    参考文献  84
    《混凝土结构设计规范》                              GB50010—2002
    《建筑抗震设计规范》                                GB50011—2001
    《建筑结构荷载规范》                                GB50009—2001
    《房屋建筑制图统一标准》                            GT/50001—200
    《基础桩基技术规范》                                      JGJ94-94
    《建筑地基基础设计规范》                            GB50007—2002
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