
    (8)    The research building fire danger rating is class I. This design uses wet sprinkler system, water supply pipeline system is annular water distribution pipes using water side of center type arrangement, water distribution pipes uses center type arrangement. This design uses independent wet alarm valve and a control device alarm. The sprinkler system’s strength is 6L/min•m2, the role of area is 160m2, the sprinkler heads space 3.5m. The most unfavorable point nozzle working pressure is 0.8 MPa, the research building sprinkler system total flow is 24.12 L/s.
    (9)    This dangerous level of Extinguisher of the research building is middle class. The type of fire is A. The set point of each extinguisher provides two fire extinguishers of MF/ABC4.
    (10)    The large space of office area uses mechanical exhaust, the maximum exhaust capacity is 59340 m3 / h; two staircases use pressurized air supply, the maximum air volume is 30429 m3 / h.
    (11)    The fire alarm system of the research building’s protection is 1 level, using the fire control center alarm system. The system includes the fire control room, fire emergency broadcasting, manually fire alarm button. The office uses thermal detector, the evacuation staircase compartment uses smoke detector.

    Key Words:research building;fire engineering design;fire protection
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1建筑火灾的形成及发展过程    1
    1.2 高层建筑防火要求    2
    1.2.1 高层建筑发展现状    2
    1.2.2 高层建筑火灾特点    3
    1.3 本文的工作内容    3
    2  工程概况    5
    3  耐火等级    6
    3.1高层民用建筑的分类    6
    3.2高层民用建筑的耐火等级    6
    4 总平面消防设计    8
    4.1 防火间距    8
    4.2 消防车道    9
    5 建筑平面消防设计    10
    5.1 防火分区    10
    5.2防烟分区    10
    6建筑防排烟设计    11
    6.1机械排烟设计    11
    6.1.1需机械排烟的部位    11
    6.1.2排烟系统的设计要求    11
    6.1.3机械排烟量的计算    13
    6.2机械加压送风系统设计    14
    6.2.1高层建筑中需要加压送风的部位    14
    6.2.2机械加压送风设计要点    14
    6.2.3加压送风的基本计算方法    15
    6.2.4设计计算    16
    7 安全疏散    19
    7.1疏散安全出口    19
    7.2安全疏散距离    20
    7.3疏散楼梯和消防电梯设置    21
    7.4 疏散指示标志、疏散楼梯的设置    21
    8  室内装修消防设计    23
    9 灭火器的配置    25
    9.1 灭火器配置场所的火灾种类和危险等级分类    25
    9.2 灭火器的类型选择    26
    9.3灭火器的配置的规定:    27
    9.4 灭火器的配置计算    27
    9.5 灭火器的设置要求:    29
    10 室内外消防给水系统设计    31
    10.1概述    31
    10.2 室外消火栓    32
    10.3 室内消火栓    33
    10.3.1室内消火栓的一般要求    33
    10.3.2 室内消火栓布置要求    34
    10.3.3 消火栓间距的确定    34
    10.3.4 消火栓给水管网的水力计算    37
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