    关键词  暖通空调  空调风系统  空调水系统  气流组织  加压送风   
    Title  The Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Engineering Design
    of An International Business Hotel In Guangzhou          
    The engineering is a design of the heating ventilation air conditioning of an international business hotel in Guangzhou. The business hotel is a four-storey above-ground building. The ground floor is designed for equipment and catering, the first floor for leisure, entertainment and catering, the second floor for conference, business, catering and entertainment and the third floor for fitness and guest rooms.
    This engineering makes the load calculation for each room with air-conditioner in the entire building, analyses the load structure of rooms with various functions, and chooses the cold and heat source system according to the load. The chilled water system is designed as a closed-loop direct return system, while the cooling water system as a cooling circulatory system. Large local wind system such as restaurant is designed as an all-air system, while small interspace wind system such as guest rooms as a fan coil and dedicated outdoor air system. The air distribution in the typical air-conditioned room is also calculated. Besides, common antechamber and staircase adopts the positive pressure ventilation system.
    Keywords  heating ventilation air conditioning    air conditioning ventilation system    air conditioning water system    air distribution
    目   次    
    1  设计基础资料    3
    1.1  工程概况    3
    1.2  工程设计基本资料    3
    1.3工程设计依据    3
    2  负荷计算    5
    2.1  设计参数    5
    2.2  空调冷负荷计算    5
    2.3  空调热负荷计算    10
    2.4  空调新风负荷计算    11
    2.5  空调湿负荷计算    12
    2.6  各房间负荷计算汇总    12
    2.6  主要功能房间负荷分析    15
    3  空调系统方案的设计    19
    3.1  空调系统的分类    19
    3.2  空调系统方案的确定    19
    3.3  空调冷热源系统的设计    20
    4  空调设备选择计算    22
    4.1  全空气空调机组的选择    22
    4.2  风机盘管的选择    23
    4.2  新风机组的选择    27
    5  气流组织    29
    5.1  概述    29
    5.2  散流器送风的设计计算    29
    5.3  侧送风的设计计算    31
    6  空调风系统设计    34
    6.1  风管的设计原则    34
    6.2  风管材料选择    34
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