    关键词   桥梁结构计算    预应力筋    安全性检测    设计规范
    Title : Design of a PC Simple Supported span T—beam bridge with 4 Main Span of 35m
     This article is mainly according to the national highway bridge design code and civil engineering related knowledge,  application  solid mechanics and the requirements for seismic resistance to design bridge structure . In the process of design and calculation, adopt the way of hand calculation and computer to complete the bridge structure, the internal force calculation  of contignation and some components ,the desian of the structure size and the corresponding prestressed reinforcing steel  and common reinforcement . Finally, use the computer to draw the corresponding structure construction drawing, and let Dr Bridge structure do safety detection, determine whether the design conforms to the specification, whether meet the safety requirements. This paper  use the research method  with qualitative analysis and computer technology . Through the adoption of a variety of calculation and specification to meet the safety of bridge structure and actual needs, to design a  safe practical bridge .
    Keywords  calculation of bridge structure  prestressed reinforcing steel  safety detection    design specifications
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  预应力混凝土简支梁桥文献综述    1
    1.2  工程简介    2
    1.3  基本设计方法    4
    1.4  设计规范要求    4
    1.5  毕业设计的目的和意义    5
    2  方案比选    6
    2.1 方案比选的基本原则    6
    2.2  方案比选    6
    2.3  三种桥型方案特点比较    11
    3  上部结构设计与计算    13
    3.1  设计基本资料    13
    3.3 设计荷载计算    16
    3.4  结构计算和受力模型    23
    3.5 主梁预应力钢筋束估算及布置    27
    3.6  预应力损失及有效预应力计算    28
    4 截面验算    42
    4.1 持久状态承载能力极限状态验算    42
    4.2 持久状态正常使用极限状态验算    43
    4.3 在作用短期效应组合下的正截面抗裂验算    44
    4.4 正截面混凝土压应力验算    45
    4.5 短暂状况下构件的应力验算    46
    4.6 局部承压验算    47
    结  论    50
    致  谢    51
    1  绪论
    1.1  预应力混凝土简支梁桥文献综述
    1.1.1  预应力混凝土T形截面简支梁桥的发展现状
      1.2  工程简介
    1.2.1  设计基本要求
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