    摘要:此建筑为某小区高层居民楼建筑,地下一层车库,地上三十二层,类型较为简单,是典型的高层建筑。建筑设计主要有消火栓设计、灭火器设计、防排烟设计以及建筑通风设计。根据相应的建筑规范以及建筑特点,采用相应的消防系统:室内消防栓给水系统、机械加压送风系统、自然排烟、机械排烟和通风系统。排烟主要有两种形式:自然排烟以及机械排烟,通过排烟使火灾发生时产生的烟气能及时排出,为疏散和消防救援提供方便。通过防烟分区的划分,开窗面积的计算,确定建筑物大部分位置是否能利用自然排烟来达到排烟的要求,地下车库是否要设计机械排烟。通过排烟量、排烟口面积、排烟管道、阻力等计算来确定排烟机型号,排烟风机选用消防专用的风机,来满足消防的需求。防烟主要采用的是机械加压送风系统,设置的地点为前室,楼梯间等场所,在高层建筑发生火灾时提供不受烟气干扰的疏散路线和避难场所。通过送风量、风道截面积、阻力等的计算,确定风机型号,加压送风机选用斜流风机。 30025
    The residential building smoke control design
    Abstract:This building is a high-rise residential buildings, underground garage, thirty-two floors on the ground, the type is relatively simple, is a typical high-rise building.The building design contain ventilation,smoke control system,anti fire design and fire extinguisher. According to the construction of the corresponding standard and architectural features, use the corresponding fire protection system: indoor fire hydrant system, mechanical pressurization system, natural smoke extraction,mechanical exhaust and ventilation system.Smoke control mainly has two forms: natural ventilation and mechanical exhaust. Through the exhaust, make flue gas generated during the fire can be discharged in time, for the convenience of evacuation and fire rescue. Through the smoke control zoning, calculation window area, determine whether the building most positions can use to achieve the requirements of natural smoke exhaust, underground garage, whether to design mechanical exhaust. Through the smoke, smoke vent area, exhaust pipe, resistance calculation to determine the type of the fan exhaust fan, fire special exhaust fan, to meet the needs of the fire.The smoke is mainly used in mechanical pressurization system, set the location for the front room, stairs and other places, to provide shelter from the evacuation route and smoke interference in high-rise buildings. Through the calculation of air volume, air duct cross-sectional area and the resistance, determine the fan model, pressurization fan with diagonal flow fan.
    Key words: natural smoke exhaust;mechanical smoke exhaust;mechanical pressurization system
    1 工程概况1
    2 灭火系统设计2
    2.1 灭火器配置场所的危险等级和火灾种类2
    2.2 规格与数量的确定2
    3 防排烟设计3
    3.1 建筑设计防火规范关于防排烟的有关规范3
    3.2 建筑防排烟设计的规定4
    3.3 自然排烟6
    3.4 机械排烟8
    3.4.1 机械排烟的一般规定8
    3.4.2 排烟量计算10
    3.4.3 排烟口面积计算10
    3.4.4 系统管道计算10
    3.4.5 阻力和全压计算11
    3.4.6 风机选型11
    3.5 机械防烟12
    3.5.1 机械防烟的一般规定12
    3.5.2 加压送风量计算14
    3.5.3 系统管道计算17
    3.5.4 阻力计算和全压计算17
    3.6 通风系统19
        3.6.1 建筑通风的一般规定19
    3.6.2 通风量20
    3.7 风机选型20
    3.8 风管和防火阀设计21
    3.8.1 风管的设计规范21
    3.8.2 风管设计21
    3.8.3 防火阀的设计规范22
    3.8.4 防火阀的设计22
    4 其他23
    4.1 部分没有提及到的地方23
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