    Abstract   Karst rocky desertification area is the phenomenon of desertification in karst topography formed on the basis of, and Yunnan Province rocky desertification are well developed, distributed in 16 cities. One of the most serious areas is in Southeast Yunnan, which in some areas has reached the level of a severe rocky desertification. Sensitivity of rocky desertification in karst region of southeastern Yunnan evaluation, can be good for rocky desertification control in karst area to help. The status quo southeastern Yunnan desertification and related information, the bare rock, vegetation type, vegetation cover, these four factors as slope Diandong Rocky rating index. And take the geometric center of gravity model method to determine the sensitivity of the value, which can give the evaluation results classification.
       Rocky desertification of sensitivity evaluation to help the relevant departments to take measures to control is very effective, through the development of reasonable ecological environmental protection measures, to help regional economic development and to realize the social sustainable development plays a positive role.
    Key words:Southeast Yunnan, desertification, sensitivity,evaluation factor            
    摘   要    I
    Abstract    II
    1  绪  论    1
    1.1  概述    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    1
    1.3  研究区概况    2
    1.3.1  地理位置    2
    1.3.2  地貌特征    2
    1.3.3  气候与地质    3
    2  滇东南岩溶区石漠化敏感性评价    4
    2.1  评价方法概述    4
    2.2  石漠化敏感性评价指标    7
    2.3  植被类别敏感性评价    9
    2.4  坡度敏感性评价    10
    2.5  岩石裸露敏感性评价    11
    2.6  植被盖度敏感性评价    12
    2.7  石漠化敏感性综合评价    13
    3  滇东南岩溶区石漠化敏感性评价结果分析    16
    3.1  植被类别评价结果分析    16
    3.2  坡度评价结果分析    16
    3.3  岩石裸露评价结果分析    16
    3.4  滇东南岩溶区石漠化评价结果综合分析    16
    4  结论与总结    18
    4.1  结论    18
    4.2  滇东南岩溶地区石漠化防治措施与建议    18
    致  谢    20
    参考文献    21
    1  绪  论
    1.1  概述
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