
    3.3 设计规范
    4 设计的主要工作
    根据广州地区的气候要求等设计星级酒店空调系统。具体内容为星级酒店空调系统设计;计算冷热负荷;根据冷热负荷,结合建筑物特点,初步确定空调系统形式;根据空调系统形式,选择空调系统主要设备;进行空调风系统设计和计算;确定室内风口和室内机的位置,进行室内气流组织的校核;对设计中涉及到建筑有关防排烟问题,进行必要的论述和说明;绘制设计图纸;撰写设计计算说明书和完成不少图纸的绘制 。并根据所学基础理论和专业知识,结合实际工程,按照工程设计规范、标准、设计图集和有关参考资料,完成所要求的工程设计。经过系统方案论证比较,考虑到经济建设的各个方面,最后选择全空气一次回风系统。
    5 空调系统的选择
    Design General Instruction
    1.Source of the design topics
    It is derived from the actual engineering design issues.With modern science and technology and the development of China's market economy, people's quality of life requires increased, high-end hotel buildings  are  increasing,As can be seen from the news, many cities reported under construction and plans to build many five-star, super five-star hotel.Air conditioning systems account for a large proportion of the energy consumption in the hotel, according to statistics accounted for 30% to 50% of building energy consumption.How do the hotel's air-conditioning system, the problem should be carefully studied in the HVAC industry. Everywhere in the construction of a high standard hotel. Its air-conditioned way should be able to adapt star hotel functional requirements, extensive use of central air-conditioning decency advanced equipment and corresponding equipment from the bed is a modern building critical infrastructure in the comfortable and efficient working and living environment is indispensable. Air quality work environment pleasant hotel staff will increase, so that customers linger, to find at home. The air was hot, cloudy will make efficiency is greatly reduced, so the hotel's air conditioning system for the entire hotel operation and customer occupancy rate has a very important impact.
    In modern-star hotel, through the use of comfort air conditioning system to ensure the comfort of the hotel staff and customers feel at work upon check-in. People on the indoor air temperature and humidity, cleanliness and air quality issues more attention. Due to energy shortage, saving more and more people pay attention. There is an urgent need for the installation and configuration-star hotel energy, health, comfort air conditioning systems to meet the demand for high work environment.
  1. 上一篇:上海万胜六层大厦空调系统设计
  2. 下一篇:17层小区住宅楼建筑与结构设计+CAD图纸
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