    以办公、商业相结合的综合大厦是许多城市的常见建筑,是一类典型的公共建筑,随着经济不断发展,其数量和建筑总面积增长迅速。该类建筑暖通空调系统具有很好的代表性。空调系统在营造舒适环境的同时, 也在消耗大量的能源。据美国对公共建筑和居住建筑能耗的统计,有1/4的建筑能耗用于空调而在我国一般中央空调系统能耗更是约占了整个建筑总能耗的50%左右。作为公共建筑中的能耗大户, 暖通空调系统的节能有很大潜力, 对实现节能减排有着重要而深远的意义。暖通空调系统中有很多提高能效的措施,冰蓄冷技术节省运行费用潜力巨大,尤其是双工况冷冻机组技术在我国发展迅速,不论从社会效益和经济效益都取得了显著的成果。6305
    Design General Information
    The comprehensive Building is a common building in many cities,which is a typical public buildings, as the economy continues to grow, the number and total construction area of rapid growth. Such building HVAC system has a good representation of air-conditioning system at the same time create a comfortable environment, but also consume large amounts of energy. According to the statistics of the United States for public buildings and residential building energy consumption, 1/4 of the building energy consumption for air conditioning in the energy consumption of China's general central air conditioning system is about 50% of the total energy consumption of the whole building. As a major energy consumer in the public buildings, HVAC systems, energy conservation has great potential to achieve energy conservation has important and far-reaching significance. Air-conditioning energy-saving technical measures, is also closely related to the principles and policies of the national economy. There are many measures to improve energy efficiency in HVAC systems, ice storage technology have great potential to save operating costs, especially in the duplex status of refrigeration technology is the rapid development in our country, and have achieved remarkable results both from the social and economic benefits.
    Selected graduate design topics for a project iof 3M in hefei, central air conditioning heating and cooling systems design, as described above for the HVAC energy consumption accounts for more than half of the total building energy consumption, energy consumption more than half of the part used for heating and cooling systems, control heating and cooling systems, energy consumption is an important aspect of reducing building energy consumption. New wind load design of each room, hot and cold load and wet load a detailed and accurate calculations, load calculations, Load calculated by the the Hongye load calculation software and then hand count check. Provide full and accurate basis for the selection of the freezer, pump selection, hydraulic calculations. The design cooling load of about 170W / m2 for 1217.6kW cooling load indicators, this design also focuses on the advantages and disadvantages .Centrifugal electric refrigeration chiller is ideal for medium-sized building comfort air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.Centrifugal chiller is a centrifugal compressor,evaporator,condenser and throttle bodies and other equipment as a whole,so you can make the device comact,saving floor space.Because centrifugal compressor institutions and operating characteristics,it is geneally desirable to gas transmission capacity of not less than 3500 /h , it was decided centrifugal chillers for 3M Hefei a project requires a large cooling capacity of the place. Gas hot water boiler heat using natural gas.Hot water circulation pump hot water unit through the heating pipes hot water circulating through the radiator can reach people heating requirements.
  1. 上一篇:商务综合办公楼空调系统设计和技术经济分析+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:大空间灭火方案的研究+文献综述
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