



       Consisting of the office and business, the business building in the XinFu Road has five floors on the ground, the construction has the total area of 6177.6m² and height of 22.5m, which is built with the concrete frame structures. The design consists of two parts: construction and structure design. The construction design is mainly comprised of the combination and structure design of the space environment. The plane design: it is considered that the environment in the xinfu road need to meet the requirement of the city planning bureau, so general layout should make the design of environment and virescence, make use of the ground and define the functional subareas rationally. The arrangement of column network: the skeleton structure is connected with the beams and columns, which support the vertical and horizontal loads. And the walls just operate in maintenance and separation. The elevation design: the elevation design emphasizes on the modern style. The section design: the section is chiefly showing the relationship in the inner space. The rooms、walkways and bathrooms of the commercial building all take the natural light and ventilation. The design of the space environment primarily includes structural design, the choice of the materials and construction methods. The structural design includes the panel、the beams、 pillars and framework. It is necessary to determine the sizing of the structure and layout, make clear the analytical method of the inner force under the structure vertical and horizontal load. And we also need to know the main structural requirement of the frame structure, the bearing capacity and design methods of the superstructure and its basis.

    Key words:  construction design;  structure design;  structure requirements


    1 摘要 4

    2 引言 5

    3 建筑设计 6

    3.1 设计依据 6

    3.2设计要求 7

    3.3 莘福路商务楼建筑设计 7

    3.3.1平面设计: 7

    3.3.2 柱网布置 8

    3.3.3 外立面设计: 8

    3.3.4 剖面设计 8

    3.3.5 交通组织及防火疏散设计 8

    3.3.6 采光通风 9

    3.3.7屋面排水系统 9

    4 结构方案设计 10

    4.1 设计依据 10

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