General when the staircase using the load is not large, and the horizontal projection length of the stair is less than 3m, usually by plate stairs (in public buildings in order to conform to the requirements of health and beauty of the large plate using the stairs); when using load is larger, and the horizontal projection length of the stair is larger than 3m, appropriate uses the beam type stairs more economic.
Small span of the stairs of the project and for public buildings, so the use of double plate stairs, stair footfall height of 160 mm, width treadmill for 280 mm. The staircase height is greater than 3 m.
The staircase structure design steps include: according to the construction requirements and construction conditions determined floor structure form and structure layout; according to types of construction, determine the staircase of the live load standard value; stairs on the components of the analysis of internal force and section design; construction drawing, processing connected components of constructional reinforcement. Plate stairs the boards of the ladder is oblique tooth plate, supporting on the platform beam and floor beams, bottom section of the general bearing on the ultimate bearing capacity of the beam, the most common double stairs each layer have two ladder, have used a single run and run. The design of slab stairs includes ladder section plate and platform beam. According to the calculation of oblique beam, and its normal section is vertical and the flights of stairs, the stairs of the live load is at the level of projection and the computation of the calculated span from the platform beam between plagioclase spacing. Board platform general design into one-way slab and desirable 1m wide strip are calculated, the connection platform plate is connected with the platform of the whole beam. At the other end may support in the brick wall, may also and lintel cast-in-place
Key word: cast-in-situ concrete frame structure; Structure design; Structure drawing
目 录
引言 7
1 结构方案设计 8
1.1 设计依据 8
1.2 设计要求 9
1.3 结构方案 9
1.3.1结构选型 9
1.3.2 结构布置 9
1.3.3 基础形式 9
1.4 结构所用材料 9
1.4.1 混凝土强度等级 9
1.4.2 钢材 10
1.4.3 钢筋接头形式 10
1.4.4 混凝土保护层厚度 10
1.5 梁、板、柱截面选择 11
2 荷载计算 12
2.1 永久荷载计算 12
2.1.1 墙面荷载 12
2.1.2 楼面荷载 13
2.1.3 屋面荷载 13
2.1.4 窗、门荷载 13
2.2 可变荷载计算 14
2.3 梁上线荷载 14
2.4 梁自重 14
2.5 柱自重 15
3 楼板计算 16
3.1 楼板选型 16
3.2双向楼板计算方法的确定 17
3.3双向楼板计算 17
3.3.1 荷载计算 17
3.3.2 计算跨度 17
3.3.3 弯矩计算 17
4 楼梯计算 20
4.1 设计资料 20
4.2 梯段板设计 20
4.2.1 荷载计算 21
4.2.2 截面设计 21
4.3 平台板设计 22
4.3.1 荷载计算 22
4.3.2 截面设计 22
4.4 平台梁设计 23
4.4.1 荷载计算 23
4.4.2 截面设计 23
4.4.3 斜截面受剪承载力验算 24
- 上一篇:地源热泵系统在三层独栋别墅中设计+CAD图纸
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