


    1,熟练运用PKPM系列软件完成整体结构的建模工作,具备根据现行规范对模型分析结果进行分析判断和调整试算的能力; 2,熟练运用TSSD完成结构施工图,熟练掌握梁平法标注法、柱平法标注法和表格法、现浇板配筋的主流表达方法;3,能熟练掌握毕业设计所涉及到的梁、柱、板等构件的主要构造措施; 5,能基本看懂地质勘探资料,能设计一个单体的预制管桩基础,了解预制管桩基础的基本设计过程和计算内容,掌握桩基础的施工图表达方法; 6,掌握楼梯的设计和计算方法; 7,掌握结构计算书的编制方法和编制内容。可供选择增加的内容 :1,预制装配式设计;或者2,使用Revit完成工程信息化建模。


    1 Abstract

    The project for the expansion project of Qingyun Temple Tripitaka floor, built by the Qing Temple investment, the project is located in the North East long avenue north, Dongchuan Road East, North Heqing handkerchief factory, structure type of cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, underground layer, fifth floor; height of 2.3 meters, the new foundation area of 925.5 square meters, with a total construction area of 1902.94 square meters, the underground construction area of 394.2 square meters, construction area of 1508.74 square meters, the useful life of 50 years of building, the seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees; general rules of construction and structure of the rule not only to facilitate the construction, and have for the earthquake resistant of the structure.

    The design of the main content is the framework of the structure design, to provide a full set of construction drawings, the following requirements to complete the work and have the following capacity:

    1, skilled use of PKPM software to complete the modeling work of the whole structure, according to the current standard of have the model analysis results were analyzed and adjusted trial judgment; 2, skilled use of TSSD to complete the construction drawing, master Liang Pingfa annotation method, mainstream column flat method labeling method and form method, cast-in-place reinforced expression methods; 3, the main construction measures to master graduation design involves the beams and columns, plates and other components; 5, to understand the basic geological exploration data, to design a single precast pile foundation, understand the basic design process and calculate the content of the Guan Zhuangji foundation prefabricated construction method, the expression of master pile foundation; 6, master the design and calculation method of the stairs; 7, grasp the compiling method and compiling content structure calculation. Available options: 1, prefabricated assembly design; or 2, the use of Revit to complete the engineering information modeling.

    Key words: cast in place reinforced concrete frame structure, architectural design, structural design, leveling method, pile foundation.;


    0  摘要 5

    1  建筑设计 7

    1.1 设计依据

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