

    结构部分:第一步,确定结构的形式。采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,屋盖及楼盖采用现浇式结构。之后进行梁、板、柱的尺寸确定以及混凝土的强度等级及其钢筋的等级的确定,材料及尺寸确定后,再使用 PKPM软件进行结构平面布置。通过软件计算,得出楼板和屋面的配筋结果。然后挑选有代表性的一榀框架,计算它的恒活荷载,并与PK文件形成的一榀框架的结果进行比较。完成了框架的计算后,开始整体结构设计,主要用SETWE进行,并对位移比、周期比、轴压比三大指标进行验算,并判断结果是否合格。最后在JCCAD中进行柱下独立基础的设计。最后完成梁、板、柱的平法施工图、基础施工图及楼梯配筋图的绘制。57181

    毕业论文关键词: 框架结构;抗震;建筑平面图;结构施工图;结构设计 

    Nangjing university school building structure design 

    Abstract:This graduation design is the architectural structure design of the teaching building of Nanjing University, including two parts of building design and structure design.

    Construction: to determine the initial scheme, such as spacing, height and room set. After the program, the program, the use of the software to complete the various standard floor plan, roof drainage map, the drawing section of the vertical elevation.

    Structure: the first step to determine the structure of the form. Using cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame structure, roof and floor cast-in-situ structure. After the beam, plate, column size determination, as well as the strength of the concrete grade and the reinforcement of the determination of the grade, the material and size determination, and then use the PKPM software to carry out structural plane layout. Through software calculation, the results of the reinforcement of the floor and roof are obtained. Results are compared and choose the representative of a pin frame, it's dead and live load calculation, and form of PK files with a pin frame. Completed the framework of the calculation, the overall structure of the design, the main use of SETWE, and the displacement ratio, cycle ratio, axial compression ratio of the three indicators to check, and determine whether the results are qualified. At last, the design of the independent foundation is carried out in JCCAD. Finally completed the beam, plate, column of the construction drawing, the foundation construction drawing and the drawing of the stairs

    KeyWords:Frame structure; seismic; building plan; structure construction drawing; structure design

    目  录

    1 建筑方案设计 5

    1.1  设计依据

    1.1.1  相关规范

    1.1.2  任务书要求

    1.2  设计要求

    1.3  建筑设计方案

    1.3.1  平面设计

    1.3.2  立面设计

    1.3.3  剖面设计

    1.3.4  楼屋面设计

    2  结构方案设计 10

    2.1  设计依据

    2.2  设计要求

    2.3  结构设计方案

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