
    设计总说明:本设计为中通虹桥商务酒店框架剪力墙结构设计,结构型式为现浇框架剪力墙结构,地上12层,结构最大高度为39.800米。建筑形状接近C型,地下建筑面积合计9356平方米,地上建筑面积合计23839,建筑设计使用年限为50 年,耐火等级为二级,抗震设防烈度为7度。设计内容为结构设计,主要包括结构方案的确定、结构计算和结构制图。结构方案的确定主要是根据建筑图来选定梁截面尺寸布置梁位置,并考虑偏心影响。结构计算主要是通过使用PKPM结构计算软件建模计算与手算相结合的方式对上部结构及基础进行配筋计算。结构制图主要是根据计算结果绘制梁板柱配筋图、基础结构布置图以及楼梯详图等施工图。57180


    The Frame shear wall structure design of Hongqiao Traders Hotel

    General Description of The Design: This is the frame shear wall structure design of Hongqiao Traders Hotel.The structure is a cast-in-place reinforced concrete frame shear wall structure, which is twelve floors on the ground and structural maximum height is 39.800 meters. Building shape is close to C.A Total underground construction area is 9356 square meters,total ground construction area is 23839 square meters.Building design service life is 50 years and fireproof rank is secondary. The seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees. Design content is the structural design, including the determination of structure scheme, structure calculation and structural drawings. The determination of structure scheme is mainly according to the architecture diagram to selected the section size of beams ,decorate the position of beams  , and consider the eccentric effect. Structure is mainly using PKPM structure calculation software modeling calculation to finish the reinforcement calculation of upper structure and foundation. Structure drawing is according to the calculation results to draw the reinforcement drawing of beam, floor and column, infrastructure layout and stair detail construction drawing.

    Key word: cast-in-situ concrete frame shear wall structure; Structure design; Structure drawing

    目  录

    引言 1

    1 结构方案设计 2

    1.1 设计依据 3

    1.2 设计要求 3

    1.3 结构方案 3

    1.3.1结构选型 3

    1.3.2结构平面,立面规则验算 4

           1.3.3 基础形式 5

    1.4 结构所用材料 5

    1.4.1 混凝土强度等级 5

    1.4.2 钢筋规格 5

    1.4.3 钢筋接头形式 5

    1.4.4 混凝土保护层厚度 5

    1.5 梁、板截面选择 6

    2 荷载计算 7

    2.1 永久荷载计算 7

    2.1.1 楼面荷载 7

    2.1.2 墙面荷载 10

    2.1.3 窗、门荷载 12

    2.2 梁上线荷载 12

    3  楼梯计算 17

    3.1 楼梯概况 17

    3.2 梯段板设计 17

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