
    摘要毕业设计的题目为办公楼设计,设计内容包括建筑设计和结构设计两大部分。建筑为五层框架结构,房屋共 5 层,底层层高4.200米,二层以上层高3.600米。建筑总高度为20.4米,总建筑面积为3972.4平方米。



    毕业论文关键词: 框架结构,结构设计,抗震设计

    Abstract This task of graduation project is the design of office building, design including architecture design and structure design of two parts. The building for five level frame structure, building a total height of 20.4 m, a total construction area of 5972.4 square meters. 

    Building design, the main finished building plane, elevation and profile design. The office building layout first consideration when the administrative office of the functional requirements of the office building. In addition, and considering the structure design, and basic selection, etc; In this part, construction and structure is the combination to do. 

    Structure design of the main structure scheme of frame 3 axis of the seismic design framework. In determining the layout of the framework, after the first layer of the values of the representatives between load calculation, then use the vertex displacement method from for vibration periods, and then press the bottom shear method for calculation of horizontal seismic load size, and then find out under horizontal loads of internal force of the structure (moment, shear force and axial force). Then the vertical load calculation (constant load and live load) under the action of an internal structure, find out the most unfavorable set or a group of internal force combination. Select the security of the calculation results reinforcement and drawing. In addition to the structure of the solution of indoor stair design and complete the flat bedplate, ladder period of board, platform beam and other components of the internal force and reinforcement calculation and construction drawings. 

    Keywords: framework structure, the structure design, seismic desig 

    目   录

    摘要 I

    Abstract(英文摘要) I I

    第1章  建筑设计 1

    1.1设计基本资料 1

    1.2建筑设计说明 2

    1.2.1建筑平面设计 2

    1.2.2 建筑立面设计 3

    1.2.3 建筑剖面设计 3

    1.2.4 建筑抗震设计 4

    1.2.5建筑防火设计 4

    1.2.6 细部构造说明 4

    第2章  结构布置与框架刚度计算 5

    2.1结构设计说明 6

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