




    Abstract  This project is designed primarily architectural design and structural design of two parts. Located in Jiangsu, the building is a total length of 36m, a total width of 15.8m, a total of five, with a total construction area of 2844m, the main structure used cast-in-situ reinforced concrete frame structure. Seismic intensity of 7 degrees.

    This graduation whole design is pided into three stages: 1.The structure plan formulation stage; 2.Structure calculation stage; 3.The construction design stage.According to the specification provided by the building basic information,considering the local seismic fortification intensity,site category,the height of the building and the layer number to determine the structure form of buildings,determine student apartment building with frame structure design.

     Structural calculation according to the transverse load analysis framework. In determining the frame lay out, the first carried out on behalf of the interlayer load value is calculated, and then find the horizontal loads structural forces (bending moment, shear, axial force). Then calculate the vertical loads (dead load and live load) under the action of the structural forces, and then identify the most unfavorable one group or several groups combined forces. Select the safest results calculated reinforcement and drawing. In addition, the structure of the program carried out in the interior design of the staircases, the completion of the platform board, bench boards, platforms, beams and other components of internal forces and reinforcement calculation and construction drawings. This design uses independent foundation, foundation platform carried on by force and reinforcement calculation finalize construction drawings.

    Keyword: frame; structural design;aseismic design 

    目  录

    第一章:绪论 1

    1.1主要设计内容 1

    1.2国内外发展现状及存在的问题 1

    1.3防火及安全设计 2

    第二章:结构设计 3

    2.1基本设计条件 3

    2.2工程地质条件 3

    2.3结构选型 3

    2.4结构布置 4

    2.5梁柱截面尺寸的初步确定 4


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