
    摘要本工程为华东某市沿街地段新建一旅馆。底层层高为3.6米,其余层高均为3.0米。总高16.1米,总建筑面积约为3881m2 左右。整个结构在设计过程中,严格遵循相关的专业规范的要求,参考相关资料和有关最新的国家标准规范,对设计的各个环节进行综合全面的科学性考虑。总之,适用、安全、经济、使用方便是本设计的原则。51302


    毕业论文关键词: 框架;结构设计;混凝土

     Abstract      This project for the east China city area along the street on a new hotel. Underlying the height of 3.6 meters, the rest are 3.0 meters high. Total height 16.1 meters, a total construction area of about 3881 m2. The entire structure in the design process, strictly follow relevant according to the requirement of specification, the reference related information and specifications related to the latest national standards, each link of design comprehensive scientific considerations. In short, applicable, security, economic, easy to use is the principle of this design.

       The engineering structure design adopts multi-layer reinforced concrete frame structure, the basic steps for: the determination of structure calculation diagram; The load calculation;The internal force analysis; Internal force combination; Beam and column section reinforcement, board design, stair design, basic design and structure construction drawing, etc. Among them, the internal force calculation, consider the following four kinds of load that is constant load, live load and wind load.

    Key words :  frames;structural design;concrete 

     目 录

    第一章   建筑设计说明书 1

    1. 1设计原始资料 1

    1.1.1建筑概况: 1

    1.1.2 建筑规模与功能要求: 1

    1. 2 建筑设计 1

    第二章   结构计算书 3

    2.1 原始资料 3

    2.1.1 工程概况 3

    2.1.2 设计资料 3

    2.3构件初估 4

    2.3.1 柱截面尺寸的确定 4

    2.3.2 梁尺寸确定 4

    2.3.3 楼板厚度 4

    2.4结构布置及计算简图 4

    2.5荷载计算 6

    2.5.1 恒载标准值计算 6

    2.5.2  活荷载标准值计算 8

    2.5.3  竖向荷载下框架受荷总图 8

    2.5.4  重力荷载代表值计算 13

    2.6 地震作用计算 16

    2.6.1 横向框架侧移刚度计算 16

    2.6.2横向自振周期计算 18

    2.6.3横向水平地震力计算 18

    2.6.4  水平地震作用下的位移验算 20

    2.6.5  水平地震作用下框架内力计算

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