
    摘 要:依据东方曼哈顿26号楼工程的建筑结构、结构施工图纸,在充分阅读理解图纸前提下,结合工程的结构特点和现场实际施工条件,查阅大量相关资料的基础上,根据施工图预算和工程量清单计价的编制步骤,逐步完成工程的相关工程量计算,并通过操作“鲁班造价软件”,完成对工程的施工图预算的编制。使用造价软件进行建筑工程造价编制,是现今工程造价行业发展的趋势,其中鲁班软件是一组较为优秀的工程造价软件,其包括土建、钢筋、安装、下料、造价等多种相互独立的不同软件,本工程运用土建软件、钢筋软件和造价软件共三款软件来完成预算书的编制,并且重点研究土建等算量软件的操作方法与技巧。通过使用造价软件的,能使工程造价工作更加科学化、规范化、程序化。53956


    Abstract:Engineering on the basis of the Oriental Manhattan 26th floor structure, structure, construction drawings, under the precondition of fully drawing reading comprehension, the structure of the combination with the engineering characteristic and the actual construction conditions, based on consulting a large number of relevant materials, according to the compilation of construction drawing budget and the quantities bill valuation step, step by step to complete the project related calculation of quantities, and through the "software" Luban cost operation, complete the engineering construction drawing budget establishment. Use cost in software development for architectural engineering cost, is the development trend of engineering cost industry today, the Luban software is a set of relatively good engineering cost, which include civil engineering, steel bar, installation, blanking, cost and so on the many kinds of different software independent of each other, this project use civil engineering software, reinforced the cost of software and software three software to complete budget establishment, and focuses on civil engineering software to calculate the amount of operating methods and technique. By using the software of cost, can make the project cost work more scientific, standardized and programmed. 

    Keywords:project cost,construction drawing budget,authorized strength,Luban Budget Software

    目  录

    1  设计选题说明 4

    1.1  选题依据 4

    1.2  设计项目概况 4

    1.3  设计目的和要求 6

    1.4  数据资料选取 6

    1.5  设计重点和难点 6

    1.6  设计实现可能性分析 6

    2  设计依据 7

    2.1  理论与方法 7

    2.2  规范和标准 11

    3  设计的技术路线 12

    3.1  主要方法 12

    3.2  鲁班土建软件建模 12

    3.3  鲁班钢筋软件建模 14

    4  设计成果分析 16

    5  设计的价值 16

    5.1  对专业学习价值 16

    5.2  对今后工作价值 16

    结论 18

    致谢 19


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