
    摘 要:近年来,我国房地产业发展迅猛,房地产业现在成为了我国国民经济的重要支柱产业。本次毕业设计的题目为张家港市中联铂悦项目初步定位报告,为中联铂悦在城南房地产市场提供一个强有力的理论支持,确保中联铂悦为消费者所认可并接收,使得中联铂悦在城南有强有力的竞争力。本次毕业设计根据国家和江苏省建筑规划要求,通过分析张家港市中联铂悦所在的城南区域规划和房地产发展情况对中联铂悦的立项有了一个初步的了解和帮助,随后根据项目本身的地块条件,以及对未来市场的发展趋势做了一个展望和判断,城南房地产市场高档公寓及别墅市场发展潜力巨大。确定了中联铂悦产品形态为别墅及高档公寓。随后在对消费者分析过程中,结合消费者实际情况进一步确定了项目的产品定位为高品质楼盘。54134


    Abstract: In recent years, the rapid development of China's real estate industry, real estate industry has now become an important pillar industry of the national economy. The graduation project entitled project of Zhong Lian Bo Yue in Zhangjiagang positioning preliminary report for the project of Zhong Lian Bo Yue provides a strong theoretical support in the south of the real estate market to ensure that consumers in the project of Zhong Lian Bo Yue recognized and receive, making the project of ZhongLian BoYue associated platinum in the south have a strong competitive edge. The graduation project planning and construction in accordance with national requirements, Jiangsu Province, south through the analysis of regional planning and real estate development in Zhangjiagang City in the Platinum Club is located on the project in conjunction platinum Bo Yue had a preliminary understanding and help, then according to the project own land conditions, as well as the future development trend of the market outlook and judgment to make a great real estate market south of luxury apartments and villas market potential. United identified platinum project of Zhong Lian Bo Yue product form for the villa and luxury apartments. Then in the consumer analysis, combined with the actual situation of the consumer project further identified products targeted for high-quality real estate.

    Keywords: real estate, locate, analysis, customer, high quality

    目  录

    1  设计选题说明 5

    1.1  选题原因说明 5

    1.2  数据资料的获得 5

    1.3  设计的难度 6

    1.4  设计实现的可能性 6

    1.5  项目概况 6

    2  设计依据 6

    2.1  理论与方法 6

    2.2  规范 7

    2.3  参考文献的选用及作用 7

    3  设计的技术路线 8

    4 设计成果分析 8

    5  设计的价值 8

    5.1  对专业学习的作用 8

    5.2  对社会工作的作用 9

    结 论 10

    参考文献 11

    致 谢 12

    1  设计选题说明

    1.1  选题原因说明


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