



    Abstract   Bill of quantities pricing mode is the product of market economy development, the bill of quantities bidding is adapted to market economy, in line with international standards and needs. Construction project bidding is the key to the project cost control phase, however, at present our country's engineering cost control are mainly concentrated in the construction and completion settlement, etc. In the late stage, which largely affect the bidding stage of cost control is a lack of attention. In recent years, along with our country 《construction project valuation specification quantities list》, the promulgation and implementation of the bill of quantities bidding is widely used, it is highlighted in listing the importance of cost control in the bidding stage.

    Mode at first, this paper introduces the our country development present situation, and comparing with the development of foreign list valuation, and expounds the related basic theory, find out the focus of the bill of quantities bidding phase of the project cost control, to project owner in listing tendering phase of the project cost control are proposed. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the listing process in the bidding stage, and discuss on the bill of quantities preparation, bid evaluation and contract cost control problems, and proposed own some views and measures.

    Keywords: Bill of quantities ;The project cost control; Engineering bidding 

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 本文的研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1 工程量清单计价模式在国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.2 工程造价管理与控制在国内外研究现状 4

    1.2.3 我国在清单招投标阶段造价控制中出现的问题 5

    1.3 本文研究内容 6

    1.4 本文的框架 7

    第二章  相关理论 8

    2.1 工程量清单计价模式的基本理论、原理 8

    2.1.1 工程量清单计价模式概述 8

    2.1.2 清单计价的程序和基本方法 9

    2.1.3 工程量清单计价的特征 10

    2.1.4 工程量清单计价与传统定额计价的比较 10

    2.2 工程造价管理与控制的基本理论、原理

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