摘要:  本次设计是对句容市农村商业银行大楼的消防设计,大楼主体21层,地下一层,一层面积3541m^2,综合楼地上总建筑面积33149.89m^2,标准层层高3.9米,裙房高20.4米;建筑耐火等级为一级,属于一类高层建筑;基于防火分区的每层的面积不大于3000m^2的要求,大楼一层设置2个防火分区,2-21层每层作为一个防火分区,消防车道设计为环形消防车道,消防车道宽度为4m,消防车道与建筑物的距离为5.5m;防烟分区一般小于500m^2,本工程均设置机械排烟系统,地上部分每个防烟分区均小于500平方米,并不跨越防火分区,根据银行综合楼的特性,可以按照其建筑用途划分防烟分区,办公室,超市,卫生间,疏散通道,楼梯间,前室以及库房等来划分防烟分区,超过防烟分区面积的,设置挡烟垂壁或利用深梁分隔;对于灭火器配置,由于高层银行综合楼的使用性质和工艺要求,灭火器采用嵌入墙的方式设置,裙房部分每层设置8个设置点,高层部分4个设置点每个点配备2具灭火器,;通过水利计算确定立管内水流量以及压力从而确定消防水箱、消防水池以及消防水泵的扬程,从而选定所用水泵类型;同样喷淋头水力计算,确定喷淋头的布置以及相应的加压设备的选择;裙房部分室内消火栓立管数量为9根,消火栓保护半径28.1;本工程一到四层为商业营业厅,可按上表计算人数:一、二层人数为:0.50 x 1200=600人,三、四层人数为:0.40 x 800=320人,分别计算宽度为:3.9m和2.4m;五到十层按200人每层,每层疏散走道、安全出口、疏散楼梯以及房间疏散门宽度为2.0m;十层到二十一层按150人每层,每层疏散走道、安全出口、疏散楼梯以及房间疏散门宽度为1.5m。银行综合楼筑内的展览厅、多功能厅以及营业厅等,其室内任何一点到最近的疏散出口距离不宜超过30m;最后是自动报警系统以及消防联动控制系统的设计,基于大楼的危险等级,选用控制中心报警系统消防联动的控制有室内消火栓联动、手动报警、喷淋系统联动等。58101

毕业论文关键词:  消防设计;防火分区;消火栓系统;喷淋系统;自动报警系统

Fire protection design of bank building

Abstract:   This design is the fire protection design of JuRong City Rural Commercial Bank building, floor main building, underground layer, a layer of area 3541m^2, comprehensive building a total construction area: 33149.89m^2, layer upon layer high standard 3.9 meters, podium high 20.4 meters. Building fireproof grade level, belongs to a class of high-rise buildings; based on the requirement of fireproof subarea of each floor area of not more than 3000m^2, building a layer of setting two fire partition, 2-21 layer of each layer as a fireproof partition, anti smoke compart mentation is generally less than 500m^2. The project are set mechanical smoke exhaust system and to every part of anti smoke partition was less than 500 square meters, not across the fire district, according to the characteristics of the comprehensive building of the bank, according to its construction purposes to pide smoke preventing zoning, office, supermarket, bathroom, evacuation routes, the staircase, the anterior chamber and warehouse to pide the anti partition smoke. Over the smoke zone area, set the hanging wall or the use of deep beams for separation; fire extinguisher, due to the nature of the use and process of building high-rise bank, setting the embedded in the wall of the fire, the skirt part of each layer is provided with 8 set points, the top part of 4 settings of each point is equipped with 2 with a fire extinguisher; through hydraulic calculation to determine the riser water flow and pressure to determine the fire water tank, fire water and fire water pumps to pump the same selected type; spray head hydraulic calculation, determine the sprinkler heads and the corresponding pressure equipment selection; This project one to four layers for business office, according to the above calculation of number: first, the second layer number: 0.50 x 1200=600 people. Third, four layer number is: 0.40 x 800=320 people were calculated width for: 3.9m and 2.4m; five to ten layer by 200 people each layer, each layer evacuation passages, safety exit, evacuation stairs and room evacuation door width 2.0m; ten layer to 21 layer by 150 per layer, each layer evacuation corridors, safety exit, staircases and room evacuation width of 1.5m. Bank building in the building of the exhibition hall, multi-function hall, as well as the business hall, etc., its indoor any point to the nearest evacuation exit distance should not be more than 30mfinally the design of automatic alarm system and fire linkage control the system, based on the risk level of the building, the control center alarm system, fire linkage control of fire hydrant linkage, manual alarm, spray System linkage and so on.

















