    医疗办公楼空调设计总说明建筑地处上海市北纬31°16,东经121.29′,海拔4.0米。上海地处我国长江下游地区,属北亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,夏热冬冷,春秋短暂,雨量集中,室外干球温度为25℃,相对湿度为0.69 。主导风向夏季为西南风,冬季为东北风。分地下一层,地上优尔层,负一层设有仓库,通分机房,水泵室,地下车库。地上一层接待大厅,包房,学员食堂。地上二层到优尔层设有体锻室,示教室,多功能厅,活动室。该建筑层高为4.5 m总建筑高度为27m,负一层面积面积为1557.46㎡,一层建筑面积为1175.82㎡,二到优尔层建筑面积为1095.53㎡,总建筑面积8211㎡。根据所给出的建筑条件图进行房间编号,确定各房间的负荷种类,房间尺寸,门窗尺寸,围护结构的传热系数,房间的朝向、传热面积、室外气象条件、室内设计参数。用excel表格将各房间的逐时负荷统计计算出来,确定最大负荷出现的时间以及最大负荷数值。根据节能设计标准要求,结合计算软件,采用冷系数法对整个综合楼的冷负荷进行逐时计算。经计算得出,该楼的总冷负荷为442.485KW,最大负荷时刻出现在晚上17:00 。10077
    Total Design
    The building is located in the north of Shanghai, east longitude 121.29,4.0 meters above sea level. Shanghai is located in the Yangtze river region in our country belongs to north subtropical monsoon climate zone, four seasons, hot summer and cold winter, the spring and autumn short, rainfall concentration, outdoor dry bulb temperature is 25 ℃, relative humidity of 0.69. Dominant wind direction is in summer to southwest, winter for north east. Points in a layer underground, six layer, the negative a layer has warehouses, reduction to common room, pump room, underground garage. The ground layer is reception hall, room, student canteen. To the six floor body forging room on the second floor on the ground, in the classroom, multi-function hall, function room. The building height of 4.5 m total building height of 27 m, the negative a layer area covers an area of 1557.46 ㎡, a layer of floor area is 1175.82 ㎡, two to six layer construction area 1095.53 ㎡, the total construction area of 8211 ㎡. According to the figure construction conditions for room number given by the load of each room type, room size, window size, the heat transfer coefficient of enclosure structure, orientation, heat transfer area of the room, outdoor meteorological conditions, indoor design parameters. Use excel spreadsheets statistics calculated hourly load of each room to determine time and maximum load, maximum load value. According to the energy saving design standard requirement, combining with calculation software, using cold coefficient method for the complex building of hourly cooling load calculation. Through calculation, total building cooling load is 442.485 KW, maximum load moment at 17:00.
    According to the building functional requirements of a medical office building's long-term interests as the starting point, to achieve reliable technology, reasonable economy, management is convenient, the flexibility of function adjustment and the goal of safe and reliable use. When comparing the feasibility of various options and form of water system, the design scheme was confirmed as the following: 1 to 6 the ground layer by fan coil plus independent fresh air system is one of two ways; Water system USES a pump, double control system with automatic control. Calculate according to the summer air conditioning load in turn select chiller, terminal equipment, fresh air units. After the hydraulic calculation for each branch and level to, according to the characteristic curve of pipeline and pump performance curve of the selection of pump type, frozen water pump design flow is consistent with the actual, at the same time ensure that actual working point to maintain high efficiency. In addition in the design process and other detailed calculation are: the expansion tank volume, water pider, catchment device, cooling towers, exhauster, insulation layer thickness, fire smoke exhaust and garage ventilation design calculation, etc.
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