摘要本次设计是为促进福建省经济与水产事业的共同繁荣,经过综合的调研与考察, 规划在福建省闽江口建设渔港。根据方案比选,码头采用梁板式高桩码头。本次设计 主要包括港口总平面布置和港口水工建筑物设计。港口总平面布置设计的过程从预测 2017 年卸港量开始,确定出码头的平面布置,包括计算码头泊位数确定码头岸线长 度、规划水工建筑物、计算渔港功能区面积规划码头陆域及港内道路规划。港口水工 建筑物设计通过码头选型,对面板、纵梁、横梁、靠船构件、桩依次进行了设计计算 和验算。面板为预制板,纵梁为预制矩形梁,横梁为倒 T 型梁,靠船构件为悬臂梁式, 桩采用钢筋混凝土空心圆桩。面板、纵梁和靠船构件的计算均为选型、计算跨度、荷 载效应、效应组合、配筋、验算的内容。横梁的计算为选型后通过易工软件得出其效 应组合,之后计算配筋并验算。桩的计算为选型后通过易工软件进行整体计算和验算。 本设计严格按照港口水运工程的各项技术规范进行,经过综合设计之后,本设计所选 结构方案均满足要求。最后进行图纸绘制,完成本次设计。79098


Abstract This design is to promote the common prosperity of the economy and aquaculture industry of Fujian Province, after a comprehensive investigation and study, planning to construct a fishing port at the mouth of Minjiang River in Fujian Province。 According to the comparison and selection of the scheme, the wharf adopts high-piling wharf。 This design mainly includes the general layout of the port and the design of the hydraulic structures in the harbor。 The general layout of the port begin with the prediction about the amount of the discharging in 2017,and next ,the terminal layout is determined, including calculating the number of berths to determine the shoreline length of the wharf, ahd then planning the hydraulic structures, calculating the acreage of the function area to plan the land area,at the same time ,the harbor road is planned。 In the port hydraulic structures ,after the port selection, calculating and checking the panel, stringer, beams, berthing member, pile in turn。 The panel is a precast slab。 The stringer is a rectangular precast stringer。 The beam is a inverted T-shaped beam。 The berthing member is a cantilever beam。 The pile is a reinforced concrete hollow circular pile。 The process of the calculation about the panel is selection, span calculation, load effect, combination of effect, reinforcement, checking,as well as the stringer and the berthing member。 After the selection of the beam, the effect combination of the beam is obtained by the software, and then calculating and checking the reinforcement。After the selection of the pile, the whole calculation and checking  are carried out by the software。 The design is strictly in accordance with the technical standard of the port water transport project, after the comprehensive design, the design of the selected structure in the program are all meet the requirements。 At last, drawing the drawing and finishing the design。

Keywords: high-piling wharf; layout; load; reinforcement; checking

第一章 总论 1

1。1  设计原则 1

1。2  设计依据 1

第二章 港口概述 2

2。1  港口的地理位置 2

2。2  渔港建设的必要性 2














